Chapter 88

Chris kissed her fiercely, he knew now that she was inexperienced, he used his tongue to gain entrance into her mouth and she willingly opened up and allowed him lead her on

Jane's mind was blank, she felt wave of electricity pass through her entire being, she couldn't help but sucumb, she allowed him hold her, caress her lips and tongue with his, she didn't want this to stop, she has never been kissed before and it was a whole new feeling and she wanted more, her mind was screaming more and in no time her actions were speaking so

Chris noticed her eagerness and he lost all control, he sucked and caressed her lips and Jane could not help but moan, she moaned softly and her moaning was sweet music to his ears, he reached out for her top and slipped his hand on her breast

he squeezed it softly and Jane moaned even more loudly, Chris felt so elated hearing her moan for him like that, he wished he could tear her clothe apart and take her right now

Chris held her head tightly with his other hand while he uses his other hand to caress her breast, her breast felt so soft in his palm and he could feel her hardness as well, he imagined how it would feel for him to suck on them and the thought made him even more wild, he kissed her even more

it's been five long years since he has done this, maybe that was why he was so horny right now, but other girls have tried to seduce him and have their way with him, he never gave them chances, he made their lives hell for even showing interest in him but with Jane it was different, he can't seem to control himself around her, he always feels the need to touch and hold her

he had try to convince himself he should not do this, that she was just his maid and that he can't allow himself get carried away, he needed to focus on why he was here, but his body and dick seems to have a mind of its own

they kissed each other until they were out of breath, Chris stopped kissing her, they were both panting heavily

Jane tired to free herself from his embrace, but she almost fell, her mind her body were numb from the breathtaking activity she just underwent

Chris caught her in time, his slender hands held her tiny waist, Jane felt hot and she felt the desire rise in her again, she threw her face to the side, she felt embarrassed that she had such thought

as if reading her thoughts, Chris smiled "I think we should go, everyone must be waiting, I will go back first, you should come out when you feel calm" Chris said

Jane could not say, she could only nod, Chris placed her gently on the bed and made his way outside

Chris got outside and saw that everyone was already waiting at the living area

little Chris walked up to him "daddy did mummy agree to it?" he asked worriedly

"yes your mummy agreed" Chris answered him

Chris was so happy, he grinned

"where's Jane?" Mrs Whitney asked

"I'm right over here, I was just in the bathroom" she said and made her way forward

Jack walked up to Chris and whispered in his ears

"we need to leave now, I have a meeting this afternoon, we need to get going now" Chris said

Jane was conflicted, she didn't know how to comfort Mrs Whitney

"Mrs Whitney, we need to talk" Jane said and sat close to her

"about us going to the mansion, if you don't agree to it I can stay back" Jane said but Mrs Whitney cut her off

"you don't have to worry about me, I know a day like this will come one day, you can't be here with me forever, you should go you need the job so much" Mrs Whitney said trying her best not shed tears

"daddy will grandma not be going with us?" little Chris asked him

"no, she can't, but I promise I will have someone bring your mom and you to see your grandma every weekend, what about that?" he replied smiling down at him

"okay, I will miss you grandma" Chris said hugging Mrs Whitney

"I will miss you too sweetheart" she hugged him back, Jane also hugged them both, it was a very emotional scene

"you need to leave now, your boss have a meeting to attend, don't keep him waiting" Mrs Whitney said comforting them both

Jane nodded and carried Chris with her, she made her way outside alongside Christopher and Grace, Jack followed after them

they got to the car and Jane suddenly remembered that they didn't take any clothes along, she walked up to Chris and said

"we didn't bring any clothes along" she said worriedly

"it's totally fine we will settle that" Chris said

they were all about to get into the car when John called out to Chris, he and Juliet have been outside, they heard people gossiping about Jane having a visitor, which was very rare, she decided to take a look too but she was very fascinated at what she saw, the people that came to visit are very high profiled people, she wondered where Jane must have come across such high profiled people, no wonder people were talking

Chris and John met each other half way

"Chris where are you off to?" John asked him

"I'm going to stay with my dad, I have a dad now" Chris said proudly "come have a look" he said and dragged him to where Christopher was standing with the others

"dad meet my best friend John, john this my new dad" Chris said

"hello John" Chris greeted, he really wasn't so comfortable with kids but he didn't want to upset the boy and he was also late for his meeting, but he was not so bothered about that, he was the boss and they should wait

"good afternoon Chris's dad" john greeted him back

Chris nodded

"we need to go" Chris said and got into the car

"bye john we will see soon" he waved his goodbye and followed after Christopher, the others followed after them and they zoomed off

Mrs Whitney waited till they were out of sight before she made her way back inside