Chapter 106

Williams father had just started the Smith's cooperation back then

no one wanted to accept her back ghen but she pushed through

Williams took over from his father just the way Chris is doing now and it became a huge success they moved away from there and came here and it became a bigger success

but how dare he bring up her past like that, for that stupid maid girl, she would make sure to drive her out of this house

Chris had the driver stop at a restaurant while they were on the road

they all got out of the limousine with some bodyguards to shield them

Jane had calmed down in the car and Grace had forcefully apply some make up on her, her eyes were already starting to get red from crying

the owner of the restaurant saw them approaching the restaurant and he quickly opened the door for them, he had earlier received a call from his manager that the almighty Christopher Smith was coming to eat at their restaurant, he had made reservations and booked the whole restaurant

he felt extremely elated, and he rushed down immediately, Christopher just looking at his restaurant was already enough good luck

he would make sure to serve them himself

when he saw Grace coming as well he felt like passing out the most famous actress in the entire country was coming to eat as well, seems like his mother's prayer was finally paying off

"good afternoon Mr Christopher welcome to our restaurant I hope you are extremely satisfied" he said bowing his head, he had heard of him but never saw him, he really didn't think the rumors were true but now he saw that it was no exaggeration

Christopher was exactly as they described him, the aura around him was too powerful that even him the owner of a five star restaurant could not even dare to look at him

Christopher didn't answer him he ignored him arrogantly, seeing that Chris didn't pay any attention to him, he didn't dare to get angry so he diverted his gaze towards Grace

"welcome miss, I watch a lot of your movies" he said

"thank you" Grace said politely as she followed her brother

Jane followed behind them with Chris in her hand

finally there were in the restaurant and they were taken to the VVIP area

Jane sat down but she was wondering why no one was in the restaurant except them, so she looked around

seeing through her thoughts Chris said "I booked the whole restaurant Jane, so no one can be here until we are done so eat your food"

"oh I was wondering" she said and resumes eating as well

soon they were done eating and they left for the airport

their grandmother would be arriving in one for their private planes, so they was no need to rush, they already contacted the crew and they will be landing any moment from now

they all waited for nana outside the car and in what seems to be twenty minutes their grandmother arrived

she saw Chris and Grace from afar and her eyes lit up, she was almost crying, she had not seen Chris in a very long while, she rushed to them and gave them a hug

"my baby boy how have you been, grandma missed you so much" she said as she overwhelmed him with kisses

"I missed you too grandma" Chris said enduring all his kisses

Jane found the scene amusing, she never thought her cold and arrogant boss can be a grandma's boy, she almost wanted to laugh

"nana be careful what if you fall next time uhhhnn" Grace said bringing the attention to herself

"oh my little princess, look at you so skinny, I told your father to stop you from that work, look at you so skinny how are you going to find a man to marry you when you don't even want to eat" grandma Esther complained

"grandma I'm not skinny, this is the ideal weight for entertainers and I'm not little anymore plus I'm not ready to get married yet" Grace interjected

"oh keep quiet, what are you all about" grandma Esther wanted to continue scolding when her eyes landed on Jane and then to Christopher, her reaction changed instantly

"grandma what is it?" Chris noticed her demeanor, he traced her gaze and saw that she was looking at Jane and Chris, he wanted to explain but grandma Esther spoke first

"oh kiddo are you all trying to give me a heart attack or are you planning to surprise me, I'm already getting old for this kind of things" she wailed

"what are you talking about?" Chris said suprised

"yes grandma what suprise are you talking about?" Grace agreed

"are you still denying it, why didn't you tell me that you've gotten married abroad and you also have a child, and that I have a great grand son now!" she accused

Jane instantly blushed, ' what is this old woman thinking, if only it were true ' she thought

"no grandma, I'm not married" Chris said

"no? " " but this is your son over here right?" she asked

"no nana, this is Jane and she's my brother's personal maid in the house and this is little Chris her son" Grace introduced

"what?" madam Esther was dumbfounded

"you children stop trying to fool me, this little boy here looks exactly like Christopher when he was about this age, and even now that he's all grown up they still have a striking resemblance, none of you have noticed that?" Grandma said

everyone got silent and started to think

Jane had noticed this before but she only thought she was hallucinating because of the few kisses she had shared with him then but now his grandma was saying the same thing

she didn't know what to think, ' or could that man that night be Christopher? ' she thought but quickly discarded the thought

"I think we should head home we can discuss this at home, I'm tired of standing already, come on grandma let's go" Grace said