Chapter 109

they kissed passionately and each time it seems to be hotter and crazier, she can't seems to get enough of it, Chris kissed her till she was breathless only then did he let her go

they were both gasping for breath, Christopher still held her head in his hands studying her face to see her reaction

Jane had never seen him look at someone like that, his eyes held deep emotions as if telling her something, but she just couldn't understand it, she moved away from him a little

"are you okay?" Chris asked

"yes I just need to catch my breath, can I ask you something?" Jane asked

Chris wondered what she wanted to ask but he nodded anyways

"why do you keep doing this?" Jane asked

"keep doing what?" Chris asked her teasingly pretending not to know what she was talking about

Jane face burned with embarrassment ' what a pervert ' she thought he wanted her to say the word

"why do you keep you know" she said pouting her mouth

Chris wanted to laugh, she looked adorable he never knew he could enjoy teasing someone like that

"why are you pouting your mouth, you want more kisses?" Chris asked

"no" she blurted out

"no?" Chris raised a brow

"no I mean yes I mean no" Jane said all flustered, he was obviously playing with her

Chris burst out laughing he could no longer hold it back in

Jane was surprised she had never seen him smile talk more laugh

she asked "so you laugh?" Jane blurted out

Chris also didn't realize he was laughing so he stopped, Jane was stunned ' he stopped because he talked what a man ' she thought

"I didn't mean to offend you with that it's just that you never smile and you are always so cold, so I thought you know" Jane said halfway

"it's okay" he said

they were both silent, Jane didn't know how to bring the matter up again, she really needed to clarify things

Chris didn't want to talk about it to he didn't know how he's going to answer her, he went to his wardrobe and pulled out something like a box and handed it over to her

"here I got this for you for about a week now but I forgot to give it to you, check it" Chris said

"what is it?" Jane took it to check what it is and when she saw it she almost screamed

she didn't even think when she hugged him, Chris felt touched he hugged her back too

she finally detached herself from him "I'm so sorry it's just that I'm so happy I've been wanting to have this kind of phone for a very long time now, thank you so much sir" she said joyfully

"it's okay" Chris said

Jane looked at the time and saw that it was almost time for dinner

"sir it's almost time for dinner I need to get to miss Grace, please excuse me" she said politely

"hmm you can go" Chris permitted her, Jane left the room in a hurry infact she could not wait to show Grace and the rest of the girls her phone she was so happy about it

she got to Grace's door and knocked, she got in, Grace was still busy with her dress, she was done with her make up and the artists and stylists were already leaving

"oh you look very beautiful miss Grace" she complimented

"well thank you please help me with my zipper" Grace asked

"okay" Jane said moving closer to help her

"guess what your brother got me" she said handing her the phone

"this is the latest edition of iPhone, that's so sweet of him, he's a good boss after all at least to you" Grace said

"hmm yeah" she concurred ' cause honestly he was such a good boss to her and sexy too ' she thought to herself damn it why is she thinking of such stuffs now

"ain't you going to change your clothes?" Grace asked her

"no it's not necessary besides I don't have any clothes here" Jane answered her

"oooh that's true we are yet to go shopping"

"but you can wear my clothes they fit perfectly anyways, you have to change your dress the one you are wearing now is all covered in flour and oil just look at you, my aunts, uncles and cousins are coming" Grace said

"so I can just stay in my room if that's going to be a problem" she said

"no you can't, I'm sure my brother will need you around and for little Chris's sake as well, anything can come up, especially with my uncles and aunts coming around" Grace explained

"oohhh" Jane exclaimed

"you know what, you have to hurry up now and take a bath" Grace said

"here?" Jane asked suprised

"yes here I will do your make up and hair, you have to hurry we have like fifteen minutes grandma doesn't like people coming late to her dinner" Grace said and pushed her into the bathroom

Jane hurriedly washed herself, she came out few minutes later and Grace quickly straightened her hair and applied light make up on her

"okay Jane I have to go now, pick any dress in the closet and put in on, he down in five minutes okay?" Grace said hurrying out the door

Jane nodded and went the closest, there were too many clothes and she didn't even know which one to pick

Grace made her way downstairs and everyone was already seated, her parents, brothers Chris and Kyle and also her aunts, uncles their spouses and cousins

she rolled her eyes at the sight of her aunt Florence, she was such a pain in the ass

"oh just look at my cute little princess, she's all grown up" it was aunt Sasha who spoke upon seeing her arrival

"good evening grandma" she greeted her grandmother kissed her on the forehead and took her seat

"good evening mom dad, good evening everyone" she greeted everyone on the table with a smile