Chapter 115

Jane got to the Chris's door and knocked but no answer came to her, she knocked continuously but still no answer, she became worried, could he be hurt or something

she turned the door knob and thankfully it was open she looked inside and saw that everything was a mess, she quickly went in,

everywhere looked so scattered

she could see broken glasses and even torn papers, this was obviously his doing

she saw Chris sitting on the sofa with the a bottle of whiskey in his hand, he had almost finished everything and he looked really sober

"what are you doing here?" Chris questioned her

"why are you doing this to yourself?" she rushed to him and tried to take the bottle from him but he was faster than her

"don't you come any closer, just get out" he screamed at her

Jane didn't allow his words affect her, she knew he was not himself anymore

she walked closer to him and knelt down beside him

"please stop doing this to yourself, let me have the bottle" she begged him

Chris looked at her for a while and eventually gave the bottle to her

she took it from him and place it on the table

she walked back to him and looked at him

"I can't be that girl's father, I'm not good enough to deserve such, I just can't" Chris spoke

Chris sat close to him and took his hand

"please sir don't say that, I can understand exactly how you feel, when I found out that I was expecting Chris I was so angry I cried everyday because of the circumstances surrounding his birth" Jane said and her eyes started to water

"I was just sixteen and I didn't have a job, I was afraid for my future and I was more afraid for the child coming, I wondered how I was going to take care of him all by myself, I even refused to go the hospital because I thought by doing so maybe the child would understand he was not wanted and would probably go back" she said as she cried

"it was all so sad to accept and take in but guess what, when he finally came, I forgot all about my pain and I started to gather strength, I came to realize that the boy had nothing to do with what happened to me even though he is the product of it" she continued

"I came to love him, I accepted what happened and I faced it, you must do the same, if the girl turns out to be your daughter you just have to face it, it was not her fault, she's not her mother so please don't take it out on her, and you will make a wonderful father, you are already, I see the way you treat my son, you will make a wonderful father trust me" Jane said

"and we are all here for you, your parents, your sister, me and even Christopher I'm sure he would love to have a sister, you have nothing to worry about" Jane said

"thank you" Chris said "thank you" he repeated

"my pleasure, you should take a shower while I clean up this place" Jane said and stood up

Chris wanted to refuse, he would really prefer sitting beside her like this all day long but he knew he needed that shower as well

he got up and made his way to the bathroom

Chris got out of the bathroom, he was calmer now, he got to his bedroom and Jane was already gone, everywhere looked clean and his pyjamas was already laid out

he smiled and walked to the bed and picked them up

Jane went back to Grace's room to pick up Chris, she got and saw Chris sitting on the sofa looking sad too

"are you okay miss, I knocked the door and you didn't answer" she taped Grace who seems to be deep in thought

"oh yea I'm good just thinking about my new movie premiere, remember we have to go shopping tomorrow noon" Grace said

"can we still do that with everything going on in the house" Jane asked

"of course we can, infact now is the best time, cause we don't know what the rest result will be, then we can't predict what happens afterwards" Grace said

her words seems sensible so Jane nodded, at least she will get her own clothes and she will have to wear Jane's clothes

"okay baby let's go now, you need to shower and go to bed it's already late" Jane said

Chris didn't argue, he dropped Grace's phone he was using to play games and moved closer to his mom

"miss Grace we will leave now, goodnight" Jane said

"goodnight Jane, goodnight baby" Grace said and kissed Chris on his cheek and he happily kissed her back

they left the room and made way to theirs but then they met madam Rebecca, Williams, Maria, Mike, Patrica, Angel, little Jane, Estella and some maid on the way

"and where are you coming from?" Maria questioned her

"I'm coming from miss Grace's room, I had Chris stay there while I attended to Mr Christopher" she answered

Maria snorted at her answer

"well my little boy how are you doing, I didn't see you anymore after dinner, you should have stayed with Grandma" Rebecca complained

"grandma I was at aunt's room, next time I will spend time with you I promise" Chris said

"what a sweet little boy" madam Rebecca chulcked and gave him kisses

and then she proceeded to her room, everyone followed after her

she got to her room door "goodnight everyone, Mike Estella will see you your room, same with you Angel, do have a goodnight rest" she said and went into her room

"goodnight mother" Williams and Maria echoed

"goodnight madam" everyone said and went into their various rooms