Chapter 122

he even asked her to call him by his name whenever they were alone ' what could that mean ' she thought

she was going crazy with so many thoughts

she decided to stop thinking too much about everything, she stood up and went back to the bedroom, she has to get ready for the days work

when she got back to the bedroom, she found Christopher already awake

"hey sweetie"

"good morning Mom" Chris greeted his mother

"did you sleep well' she asked him

"yes I did, who is she?" he asked

"and why is she wearing my pyjamas she's not even a boy" he complained

"come on Chris be nice, I don't know how to explain this to you, but she might be your dad's daughter so she might be your sister" Jane explained to him hoping he can understand

Chris seemed to be in deep thought for a while

"is she the girl that bad lady brought to the house yesterday and said she was my new daddy's daughter?" he asked

"yes my darling you got it, but don't call the lady bad okay?" Jane scolded him

"but she's a bad lady, I can tell and I hope she's not daddy's daughter" Chris said

"what are you trying to be selfish or what?" Jane scolded him

"no mom, it's just that, that lady is bad so that means her daughter will be bad too, I don't want my daddy to have a bad daughter and I don't want to have a bad sister too" Chris explained to his mother

"hmm you really are smart but honey that's not always the case, the lady might be bad but that doesn't mean her daughter will surely be bad, and guess what, little Jane is a very sweet girl I can tell too" Jane said

"she bares your name too?" Chris asked suprised

"well yes" Jane answered him

"wow, I bare her daddy's name and she bares my mummy's name" Chris exclaimed

"that's true, so make sure you are nice to her okay, even if she turns out not to be daddy's daughter you must still treat her nicely okay, remember everything grandma and I always teach you okay?" Jane urged him

"okay mummy she can have my pyjamas for as long as she wants" Chris concluded

"that's my boy" Jane complimented him

"mom today's Monday, am I not going to school today?" Chris asked his mother

"well I've not spoken to your dad about it, we will talk about it today okay?" Jane assured him

"okay Mom" Chris said

"now I have to get busy with work okay, I will call Thelma over to bath you guys, you don't mind do you?" Jane asked him

"no mom Thelma is really nice I like her" Chris complimented her

"alright then I will get busy" she said and stood up from bed

Chris glanced at the phones on the drawer

"mom who owns those?" Chris pointed to the phones on the drawer

Jane quickly took a look at what he was talking about

"oh that belongs to me, your dad gave it to me yesterday he bought it for me and that belongs to little Jane, she can't speak so it helps her communicate with others" Jane explained to him

"oh that's so cool" Chris complimented, he wished he had something like that, but he didn't dare complain his grandma taught him to always be contended with whatever he has

little Jane woke up, she rubbed her eyes with her hands and she looked very adorable

she took note of her surrounding and she saw Jane clearing the room, and she remembered that she had taken care of her yesterday, she smiled happily

she looked around looking for her pad

Chris noticed she was awake "mom she's awake" Chris called out

Jane stopped what she was doing and looked over

she walked up to her and gave her a hug

"good morning princess" she greeted her and kissed her forehead

"hey Mom you didn't kiss me this morning" he crossed his arms over his chest and pouted his mouth

Jane giggled "come on don't be jealous, I've given you so many kisses but this is the first or second time I'm kissing little Jane, don't you want to share?" she teased him

"I do but I want a kiss too" he insisted

"alright sire" Jane pulled him close, she kissed his forehead "there you go, happy?" she teased him

"yes" he giggled

little Jane tugged Jane trying to ask for her pad

Chris got what she was trying to say with her expression

"you want your iPad?" he asked her sweetly

she nodded yes, Chris went over to the drawer top and got it for her

little Jane gave him a thumbs up, she took the pad and typed on it

"thank you" she wrote

"you are welcome" Chris replied her

"good morning" she typed and showed it to Jane

"good morning once again hope you slept well?" she asked her and she nodded yes smiling

"who are you?" she typed and showed it to Chris

"me?" Chris asked after thinking for a while he came up with a answer

"I'm your big brother" he said proudly

little Jane eyes widened with shock she looked at Jane to confirm what she just heard

Jane saw her expressions and understood what she wanted

"well you see Jane, this is Chris and he's my son and your daddy is his daddy, your daddy adopted him, do you understand?" she asked him

"does that mean my daddy is not his real daddy?" she typed

"yes you got it" Jane said

"he's not my real daddy but I consider him my daddy cause he's so nice and good to me and he also promised me that he will continue to be my daddy until my real daddy comes back" Chris explained to her

little Jane nodded in understanding

"does that mean your mom can also adopt me since my daddy adopted you too, she's nice and good to me as well and I like her a lot" Jane typed