Chapter 125

"why?" Chris teased her

Jane didn't say anything she hid her blushing face from his view

seeing her red face made him turned on again all the desires he tried to suppress under the shower came running back to him like a wind

Chris captured her lips without warning and as if she had been expecting it she welcomed his lips warmly

they kissed each other passionately, Chris used his tongue to invade and dominate every part of her lips he held her head firmly as he used his lips to toture her

Jane wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him closer, he took that as the initiative that she wanted more, he slipped his hands under her shirt, he caressed her boobs gently

Jane moaned, she felt her blood boiling, she was burning with desires as well, she kissed him back hungrily

Chris suddenly stopped, he knew if he continued this he might end up having sex with her

Jane was taken aback, she wasn't expecting him to stop just like that, she felt somehow embarrassed

' maybe he doesn't want me again ' she thought

Chris saw her disappointed face, he knew she wanted him too

"if we continue we might end up having sex here" Chris said

Jane looked at him astonished, ' oh so that was why he stopped ' she thought

"Jane I want you badly" Chris confessed

Jane looked into his eyes, the lust in it was very evident, it made her heart beat

"hold me" he spoke his voice husky

Jane wondered what he meant by that, something in her tells her it's not just the regular holding he meant but something else, but she didn't know what it was

she tried to brainstorm but she couldn't get it

Chris captured her lips again and the kiss was more demanding this time, his entire being was filled with desires for her he couldn't control it, he just wanted her so badly, he knew she should not be doing this, she was his maid for God's sake

and besides he made a promise to that girl that he would never give himself a chance at happiness until the day he found her and atone for his mistakes

but right now he just don't care, all he sees is this beauty right in front of him

he kissed her till she was breathless, he then took her hand and place it on his dick

Jane eyes widened as she felt his hard manhood on her palm, she quickly revert her hand, and she looked up at him

"please hold it, I need you to hold it" Chris pleaded his voice sounding suffocated

Jane pitied him, he seems to be dying she didn't know what to do she has never done this before she looked at him he really looked helpless, he looked like a lost puppy

she closed her eyes and gently took his manhood in her hands

it felt warm and gosh it was so big, her face turned red again ' gosh she was going to die from so much blushing '

she didn't know what to do with what was in her mind so she just followed her instinct and squeezed his dick

Christopher groaned so hard that it scared her, she thought she had done something wrong

"oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't know what to do with it, please forgive me" Jane pleaded profusely

"the only thing that will make me not to forgive you is if you don't place your hand right back on it" he whispered, he was still taking in all the pleasure he just got from her squeezing his dick just now, there was so much excitement running down there

Jane was stunned "you like what I did?" she asked him and he nodded, Chris couldn't bring himself to speak a word

Jane took his manhood again and squeezed it gently, Chris moaned this time, he captured her lips again and kissed her the more

they couldn't bring themselves to stop until they heard a knock on the door

Jane instantly panicked, she quickly detached herself from him and dressed herself well, she looked into the mirror to make sure she looked okay

she noticed her lipgloss was all gone but she was too panicked to think about that

"I will get the door, you should dress up now" Jane said

she wanted to leave but Chris grabbed her and kissed her passionately one more time

"I will go now" she whispered into his chest

"hmmm" Chris nodded

Jane repacked he hair to make sure she wasn't looking all rough

she opened the door and to her suprise it was Angel that was by the door

"what are you doing here and where's Christopher?" she asked rudely

' my son was right about this lady, she does seem like a bad person I wonder what Chris saw in her in the first place ' she wondered

"are you deaf, can't you just answer me" she snapped at her

"well good morning Miss, just so you know I'm Mr Christopher's personal maid and I take care of his needs here in the mansion, I will let him know you want to see him" Jane answered her

"whatever" she snorted and try to come into the room but Jane blocked him

"are you stopping me?" she questioned her

"I'm sorry miss but I have to inform my boss before I can allow you in" Jane said firmly

"are you crazy or what, do you know who I am, I am his child's mother get out of my way" she said angrily

"I'm sorry miss just wait here for a while I will just inform him briefly" Jane said trying to be as polite as possible but Angel was not having it

"so are you his bodyguard or what?, you are just a lowly maid" Angel screamed at her and pushed her to the ground

Jane screamed in pain,tears threatening to fall from her eyes, she had not expect her to be so crazy