I am coming out screaming

Lincoln Park, Chicago, streets dotted with single family homes. Kids are laughing and playing along the streets. At one home in particular, more vehicles are parked than usual.

Behind the door a woman can be heard screaming as the doctor gives her instructions in a calm but firm manner. Dark brown hair a mess, as sweat beaded her forehead. Caramel colored skin as are many of the people in the room. All except the doctor and the nurse. The doctor is a brown-haired Caucasian man in his thirties.

As this is happening, Karl a med student in Patterson New Jersey lays in bed. He tosses and turns almost knocking over the nightstand. The empty bottle of sleeping pills falls to the floor as he dosses off.

He felt as though he is being crushed on all sides, Karl, is slowly consumed by the pressure. He considered if he could be under deep water being swallowed whole by a shark, considering the pain in his ears.

Karl was finally free only to be introduced to a new discomfort. Bright, was all he could think before his newly open eyes shut bolt tight. His senses exploded and almost overwhelmed his brain. Fear like never before rushed to his system like crazed starved wolves.

Then it happened, a falling sensation but of the pants shitting, floor dropping variety. No more, he could take no more and he cried.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Hill, you have a healthy baby boy," said Doctor Lauder.

"He…He is beautiful. Come here, Manley, come to mommy," said Ashly Hill. She reached out for her baby as the doctor brought him closer.

While holding her baby Ashly started looking around then settle on the door leading outside the ward. "Doctor, where is my husband?"

"I sorry, Mrs. Hill, but it seems that your husband couldn't make it."

As the years went by Karl, now Manley Hill grew up in Lincoln Park, Chicago. He was formerly a medical student in the year 2023. Then reborn in 1920 to Ashly and Robert Hill. His father fought in WWI, return home to get a job as a bank manager while going to medical school. He was then shot at that same job on the day of his son's birth. A bank robbery that went sideways as the manager fought off the robbers. He has since recovered earned his medical license and is now one of the few black doctors in Chicago.

Manley was confused, it seems segregation is hardly practiced in major cities like Chicago. He knew something was wrong with this time period. Technology was slightly more advanced. Racism exists but more like the 1960's version rather than 1920's. His family lived in a poor neighborhood but are well off because of his father. Speaking of his father, he couldn't figure out how he has the job opportunities he does. He tried asking but got no answer.

Manley now 11yrs old walked the streets of Lincoln Park. He looked up at the sign that said North Mohawk Street before behind hit on the shoulder.

Manley standing at 167cm was bowled over by a slightly taller but much wider boy. The mixed raced fat boy was crying as he struggled to his feet. Manley who has the darker skin tone of his father cradled his shoulder.

Manley stumbled to the street only to pull back after a car came to close to his face and he screamed. He screamed then turn to the fatty and screamed some more. His scream morphed from fear to outrage.

"What the fuck is—"

"Look boys, we have another one. These negros grow on trees," said the leader of the approaching group.

A group of older boys approached some breathing hard. Some in the back still running to catch up. Five boys, five white boys. The leader, curly haired with a slight smirk. They had on homemade matching blue jackets.

Manley turned around as reality seem to expand like a lung and then exhale. He ran full speed and drop kick the lead boy. Then falling to the ground only to roll on his sore shoulder, which slowed his accent. He received a kick to the backside for his trouble, then falling face first into the street.

He got up in time to see all five boys approaching him. The leader didn't even look hurt. He looked around for anything that could help. The fatso was still crying, no cars in sight and no adults in sight.

He broke left dodging a swing from a blond boy. He then ran in the direction of the fat boy and tried to use him as a shield. Holding on tight to his back as he tries to face him towards the group.

Two of the boys tried to circle around from opposite ends while the rest start beating on the fat boy. Manley pushed him forward while backing away.

Then the fat boy exploded in whitish brown light. The three boys in front and one on the side vaporized, leaving blood, cloth and bone shrapnel flying away. Manley and the last boy behind him were blasted away. Manley fell to the ground as the boy sailed overhead into the trees.

Manley sits up. The ground around him is untouched. The explosion of light made no sound, the only damage is confined to the area around the fatso. The fatso is unharmed except for the beating he received earlier.

Manley gets to his feet and makes his way over to the fat boy. "Hey kid you, ok?"

"I…I…I didn't—"

"Ok, what's your name kid?" asked Manley

"Roger Barren, wha…why do keep calling me kid?" said Roger.

"Listen, Roger, we have to get out of here but first we should check on the last one."

Manley walked into the tree line with Roger at his back.

The last kid was laying on his back. He was being held aloft by a rusty red bicycle with no seat. Where the seat should be his chest cavity replaced it. He let out slow gasping breaths as he hugged the bicycle frame.

Roger was frozen in place as he took in the sight.

"Yeah, that is not pretty. I just barely caught a glimpse of what y—"

EXP + 25

Manley jumped back mid speech as something popped up in his vision. The message simultaneous appeared in his mind and sight instantly. It wasn't even distracting, like looking out your right and left eye at the same time. Natural, instant and without any delay.

"Did you see that?" asked Manley.

"How could I not, why…doesn't that bother you?" Roger grimaced as he stared at Manley.

"Not that, the experience notification. Oh, and I got to be born twice, while my body is new to shit like this, my mind isn't." Manley started poking at the air, where the notification appeared.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to see how this works, give me a second."

Manley Hill Race: Human/Mutant

Age: 11 EXP. 25/300 LV. 0

TITLE: Mutant [Title Effect] Reality Manipulator

HP: 80/80 MP: 100/100


STR 5 Muscle Strain

AGI 7 Footwork

DEX 8 Hands and Fingers

CON 8 Health and Vitality

WIS 12 Judgement

INT 10 Applied Knowledge

CHA 3 Social Awareness




After thinking about his status, Manley instantly knew it before the information popped into existence in front of his face. He digested the information while stroking his chin.

"Wait…Mutant…that must be what you are," said Manley. Roger flinched at the accusation.

"Don't call me names, and I don't know what happened. I couldn't have done that."

"Relax kid, I am a Mutant too. You should learn to control that; you can't go around blowing up racist children." Manley walked forward and check the boy on the bike's vitals.

"Or maybe you can. I think I just used you as a human lard grenade." He started mumbling to himself. "Five exp per kill, well they're children."

"Wait…yeah this was your fault," said Roger.

"You led the junior clan to me so I would say it's both our fault. Let's get out of here before some finds us."

After getting far enough away from the scene Roger's shoulders slump more and more. Manley bit back the joke about his weight after seeing the look on his chubby face.

"Hey, are going to be ok kid?"

"Stop calling me that, you're a kid too and you curse a lot. I…I killed them, what's going to happen to me!"

"Listen, Roger, I know this is hard for you, it's hard for me too—"

"Hard for you! You don't look bothered at all."

"That's because unlike you I have experience dealing with my emotions and this isn't the time. First, it was an accident—"

"So, we can tell everybody—"

"No, because racist kids have racist parents which is bad for us. Second, if us being black is a problem, being mutants is worse. Finally, we are best friends now, consider me your personal therapist. You want to talk about what happened I am your guy."

"Why would you want to be my friend?" asked Roger. Manley hasn't been very nice to him, and he hasn't forgotten being used as a human shield.

"Think about this way; imagine growing up, becoming an adult and knowing yourself. Then having to do it all over again. Fighting to preserve who you were, while trying to accept who you are. I am not who I was or who I should be, so...I am sorry. I freaked out and I hurt you."

The two boys stopped at the next intersection and stood in silence. Roger kept his head down, while Manley looked straight ahead.

Clean, slick vehicles with box like designs sparsely dotted the road. The boys quickly moved out the way as a car came up behind them.

"I will be your friend, but you have to be nice to me," said Roger.

"Deal but keep in mind exposing yourself as a mutant will affect more than just you."

"Umm…what can you…uh do?" asked Roger.

"Oh…I don't know. Nothing right now but…"

Invite Roger to Group?

"Would you like to join my group?" asked Manley.

"Group? Ok yes..."

GROUP Formed

PARTY: Roger Barren

TRAIT Gained: Brother's Keeper

Brother's Keeper: Improved Teamwork with Roger Barren

Manley noticed Roger looking around as if confused. "Something wrong?"

"I feel like I know where you are even when I am not looking at you."

Manley stared at the puggy face of the light skin boy, but he didn't say anything else. "Yeah, it must be my power. I hope there is a chat f—"

Manley felt something changed and knew he could speak to Roger from any distance. "The chat is not mental, but cell phones don't exist so…"