Punch Drunk

Roger settled into a kneeling position and focused on his breathing. The dust in the air, traces of fur on his fingertips, and the sound of Manley clapping ran through his mind. He tried to push those thoughts out of his head and focus on the energy in his core. The energy rushed to his chest, and he held it there. Ever so slowly he released some of it with an exhale. He looked down to see the light escaping his chest without causing any harm.

Manley Finished his jumping jacks, he was a little tired but not by much, so he did a couple more sets. He took another break to catch his breath. "Roger how old are you!" from across the room he could see Roger being a human flashlight, he flinched at the sudden question.

"I am 12, why do you ask?"

"No reason, just curious, I go to school with teenagers and rarely see kids my own age. I am 11 myself."

"Really, I thought you were older, you know because of the way you talk."

"Yeah, well…" Manley got back to doing jumping jacks until he felt the strain. He then placed his left hand on his left leg. As activated his magic skill, he somewhat sensed all the damaged tissue all over his body. With a little focus he could target any part he would like.



The exhaustion all over his body started to melt away. "Ha, it worked. Oh, and there is skill synergy that's not mentioned in the system. I just gained a level in both skills."

"Wha…what happened?" asked Roger.

"What just happened, my portly friend is that we just achieved steroids and I don't even have to touch all over your fat body to do it."

Manley and Roger spent the next three weeks working out and improving their respective powers after school. Roger became a better flashlight until Manley suggested that he channeled his power through his hands instead of his chest.

"Hey, it actually works better!" said Roger. He was shining light out of both palms. He was visibly increasing the output based on the darkening spot on the wall.

"Obviously you would have more control with your hands than your chest idiot," said Manley.

"I am not an idiot; I will have you know that my grades have improved. My mom is very happy with me losing weight too." Roger looks a lot thinner than before considering the amount of time that passed.

"That's because of my power, you're still dumb and I told you to eat more. At the rate we're going, you're not going to have enough energy to keep up with the pace." Manley has gained several skill levels in the past three weeks.



His attributes have also improved because of his intense workout.



AGI 11


CON 10

WIS 12

INT 13


"Oh right, I never thought I would enjoy excise so much; its so much fun," said Roger.

"That's because my skill removes all the pain, otherwise you would be bitching the whole time. Just you wait till we start going out to pick fights."

"Why would we pick fights?"

"Like I said idiot, because neither one of us know how to fight and children tended to do less damage than adults. They're the perfect training partners."

"But do we have to fight at all?"

"We must be able to defend ourselves and you can't just blast people to dust all the time. Plus, skills!"

"I don't…"

"Hey, who had to get rid of a dead body for you, you better punch some poor kid's face in."

After another day of training Manley raced home. He ran through the door and went for the bookcase in the living room.

"Manley! Close the door," said Ashly hill.

"Yes, Mom," said Manley.

After Closing the door, he went back to his task of raiding the book self. There was already a stack of books on the table. He then placed those books back on the shelf then started a new stack. He started reading through the books very quickly.


Bonus Skill Gained




Reading Speed +60%

Motion Tracking +10%


Critical Strikes 145%


Receive Subject Details



"Nothing, Mom."

Manley focused on his easiest skill to train over the last three weeks. He now knows what comes after basic and that a bonus skill comes with advanced.

He immediately tried out his new skill on the books in front of him.

"Ah, its shit. I get information I would already know but now instantly. Oh wait, the system know tells me which skill is passive and which is active, fantastic..."


"Well, its passive so I don't really have think about it."

Manley and Robert continue their training for another month. During this period the change in both became more obvious. Manley has put on some muscle and has grown taller. Robert is even taller than him, but his muscles are not as obvious. Manley had to tell his parents that he is trying to get bigger to fit in at school, while Robert just used Manley as an excuse.

"It's time to throw hands!" said Manley.

"What?" asked Roger.

"Fight, so I've done some research and the place to stay away from appears to be, North Sheffield."

"I really don't want to do this."

"Yeah, so we'll head over there, look lost then start slapping fools."

The Party started sprinting to their destination. After getting close, Manley placed his left hand to his neck then to Roger's forearm. Manley then led the way as they started casually walking down the street.

On the side of the street, kids in drab clothing of brown or green can be seen in groups of five minimum. The closest group to the two turned in their direction.

"This is, McPherson, territory boys," said the lead boy. He was wearing overalls and had a stick in his hand. He spoke with a slight Scottish accent, but it faded in and out depending on the word.

"Stay close so that I can heal you," said Manley. After whispering to Roger, he attacked.


Manley threw a punch that just grazed the boys collar bone as he moved his head. He ducked a stick coming for his head while slapping his right fist with his left hand.

Some of the kids in the back rushed around the lead boy to get at the taller boy, Roger behind Manley. In the distance some of the other groups came rushing over.

Manley backed up next to Roger as they both got surrounded. Roger was hesitating until Manley stood next to him. They started to become in sync as Manley strike and retreated, Roger was right there to cover him. Manley then turned his retreat into covering Rogers back as tow boys tried to blindside him.

They fought for ten minutes before the first group either got knocked down or retreated. In that time Manley and Roger had taken many hits but it was quickly healed. The fighting pace was just in line with Manley's mana regeneration. Something he didn't know until this moment; he restores two mana per minute. Healing only cost him twenty mana so far.

As the boys start to breath a sigh of relief, the old group was replaced with the new and the fighting continued. The pressure on both started to build but Roger started hitting his stride. He was in the zone as he started pressuring his opponents with his height and weight. Manley, not wanting to lose out started fighting harder.


Trait Cornered gained

Manley started to fight harder and take more risk. He ducked a punch, pull the boy forward and used him as a shield.



The boy was then hit by the stick that was aimed to strike Manley in the back. The dark-haired boy that hit his friend dropped the stick. Manley picked up the dropped weapon and started tearing into his opponents. The fight continued for what felt like forever.


"Stop…Stop…lets stop fighting. What are you two made of?" said a much older boy.

"Ha…ha…ha. That was intense. What are you, like 19? Manley tried to laugh through his exhaustion that could no longer be healed.

"Listen kid, I don't know why you're on our turf, but you proved your point."

"What point is that?" asked Manley.

"Manley, please stop," said Roger.

"Fine, we're done for today," said Manley.

"What do you mean by that? We don't want any problems but we're not afraid to finish this," said the older boy.

"Relax, we just want to have a healthy rivalry. No need for anyone to get to hurt," said Manley.

"You came into my t—"

"That be good," said the lone adult. He walked out of an alleyway. He wore a yellow jacket, had disheveled hair and bright blue eyes. "Me boys be slacking around, be good to knock around a little."

"Yeah, that's what I am saying so let's make it a regular thing. You have plenty to rotate around so the others heal up. See you all tomorrow!" Manley had already started walking away as he was talking. Dealing with kids was fine but that man could be organized crime, the less they talked the better.

"So how was your first none one sided fight partner?" asked Manley.

"That was fun, I never knew it would feel that good to fight back. Oh, and what was that thing where I could sense how you're going to move, your power again."

"Yep, our shared Trait, I gained a new one. Let me check my status."

Manley Hill Race: Human/Mutant

Age: 11 EXP. 27/300 LV. 0

TITLE: Mutant [Title Effect] Reality Manipulator

HP: 130/160 MP: 100/130


STR 14

AGI 15

DEX 13

CON 16

WIS 13

INT 13



Brother's Keeper

Improved Teamwork with Roger Barren


Increase Attack When Surrounded +10%



Reading Speed +60%

Motion Tracking +10%


Critical Strikes 145%


Receive Subject Details


Increase Attack and Defense +6%



Regenerates Damaged Tissue

mana cost -10%

"Yeah, gains baby," said Manley.