Doctor Do a Little

Manley and Roger spent the next two weeks training and looking forward to the future. Roger continued practicing with his powers while Manley trained the dogs. Training them helped him increase his charisma.

The time finally came for their second job with Ainest McPherson's team. They decided to go to the meeting on foot. Although they had a car and Roger said he was learning to drive from his father so he could do it. Manley didn't want anything connecting them to other activities.

The meeting took place in front of the same back alleyway hidden apartment as before. The same team as before including Ainest was there.

"We have arrived," said Manley.

"Yes, you have, now this job is going to be a little different than usual. The O'Leary gang are a lot more violent than before. This time we are going to be doing more than stealing from them." Ainest shifted his body to face everyone at one. "This one is going to be an assassination; I need all of you to take out Pat O'Leary."

"Then you're going to pay us more than five dollars," said Manley.

"I will, don't you worry about the pay, I—"

"I hope you don't expect us to fight them in the streets," said Rennie.

"What do you take me for? This team was built around Swen. Why would have you fight like common men," said Ainest.

"That's all well and good but we're still new to the team. What role are we expected to play in this?" asked Manley.

"That would be Rennie's job to let you know," said Ainest. He started walking away like he did last time.

Rennie then explained to Manley and Roger what they're going to be doing. The target is going to be at a pub. The group will sneak into the back, and Swen will let them know what to lookout for when they get there.

They then loaded up a new van, one without the scratched-out business name.

"How can we get a van since you can just change them that easily?" ask Manley.

"If this job goes well, you can have one. It will make things more convenient for future jobs," said Rennie.

"We're almost there," said Anthony. He drove the van behind the building adjacent to the pub.

The team put their masks on before getting out of the van.

They were able to sneak to back of the pub without being seen. Manley noticed that Swen was leading the way. He would stop sporadically and stare into space. Manley was very curious about how his powers worked. He was not curious enough to ask, as that wouldn't go well.

As they got to the back door Swen signaled for Roger to approach him.

"Open the door when I tell you, then reach in, grab and pull. Understood?" said Swen.

"I…yes, understood," said Roger. He approached the door, put his hand on the knob and waited.

"Now!" said Swen.

Roger opened the door to reveal a man with one hand out and the other around his belt. Roger grabbed his outstretched hand the pulled him towards the group.

Manley not wanting to lose the experience, Stabbed the man before anyone could get to him. He then removed his knife while pushing the body away, to avoid blood spatter.

Critical Strike

EXP Gained 10

The group walked through the door into a storage area. As the pub shouldn't be in use because of prohibition, the storage was empty. The group left the storage then entered a hallway with stairs that go up to the second floor and down to the basement. There is also a door straight ahead that go directly into the pub.

"The target is in there," said Swen. He pointed to the pub door, then looked upstairs. "We can wait up there for him. Keep in mind that he is currently with seven other people."

"Is this to be a clean job or were we to send a message?" asked Manley.

"Clean. We have other targets, and we can't alarm them too much. that will only make our job harder," said Rennie.

The group decided to wait upstairs, it took twenty minutes before Pat showed up. Manley was right there to get him.

Critical Strike

EXP Gained 15

They left the pub without much trouble, one more person showed up before they left but Delvin took care of him.

They were able to drive back to the meeting spot without changing vehicles. Ainest met them as they pulled up.

"How did it go?" ask Ainest.

"Well, I think this team will work," said Rennie.

Ainest looked relieved, he then paid the team fifty dollars each, except Swen who got a hundred.

"We need a vehicle, it will help with getting to jobs," said Manley.

"Just the two of you?" asked Ainest. Manley nodded. "Take that one." He pointed to the van behind them.

The team went their separate ways, but they met up for several jobs in the next two months. Manley took note that some of their targets were McPherson gang. The team split up for some smaller jobs on Manley's insistence. He wanted to prove himself and increase the amount they can demand from Ainest. He also wanted to hide Rogers powers from the rest of the team.

Two jobs into their independent gigs and its Roger's birthday. Roger decided to spend that time with his family. Although Manley heard from his mother that Roger had a girlfriend that was a high school senior. She was complaining that he was too young, and he shouldn't be influenced by Roger. He didn't really care about it; it must be new, and Roger was too embarrassed to bring it up. His main concern was the job they were supposed to do. He decided to just do it alone.

He was feeding the dogs before going on the job, but then he thought; he should bring them along. The job went very well. He then decided to bring them with him on more jobs.

Manley Had what he thought was a brilliant idea. After he and Roger got the dogs from the back of the van, he was looking at them.

"I wonder…," said Manley.

"Yeah…," said Roger.

"Can the dogs remember everything they read like you can."

"They can't read, so no. at least I think they can't."

"Yes, but they can understand what I am saying, so why can't I just teach them."

"If you want to, I don't see the point."

Manley then went on to write down words, have the dogs look at them then explain the meaning. It took weeks of work, but he was able to confirm that the dogs could in fact remember everything they read. This expedited the teaching process.




Improved Communication with Animals


Teaching Speed +2%

The dogs didn't just learn to read but they also started speaking. Not speaking like humans do but his new skill made it possible to understand them. The ability to read also made it impossible for them to forget the new concepts they learned. This new discovery made them even more useful. He could now use them as scouts when Swen wasn't around.

The emergency banking Act, on the news also reminded Manley of all the money he has lying around. His family didn't trust banks, but he was able to get Roger's dad to help them both open an accounts. He wanted his money separate from Roger because with his new girlfriend he will be spending a lot more than him.

The group came together for another job for Ainest. This time Manley brought the dogs. They had a new meet up spot. It was a warehouse where the van could pull right in comfortable.

"This Job and the next will be the last we will have together. I will be paying big money this time boys," said Ainest.

"Why, what's going on?" asked Rennie.

"Lot of movement, the FBI is involved. I must gain control before everything gets out of hand." Ainest appears to be more serious than usual.

"What's the Job?" asked Rennie.

"A big hit, some of the heavy hitters are trying to go underground. I need you to take them out before that happens."

"Who is the first target?"

"Targets, three for one. A Gold Coast villa with lots of guest in attendance. I know it's not ideal, but we don't have much time."

The crew received machine guns for this mission. In the van Roger and Manley were talking.

"I don't know how to shoot and are we really going to be firing into a crowd of people." Roger was nervous because he didn't like the idea of just shooting at random people. The group can't all be gangsters he thought.

"Calm down, if we did that, we could lose our target. If you were paying attention, you would know he said that's a last resort. We will attack from separate sides, me and you can fight however we want. We can do this," said Manley.

They pulled the van up behind the one being driven by Anthony and followed them. After getting to their destination, Manley released the dogs from the back.

"You guys take the back; Swen says the staff in the back are armed. We'll take a side window, should be opened. The targets are on the second floor," said Rennie.

Manley, Roger and the dogs approached the back door. They left the guns in the van to free up their movement. The backdoor was oddly small considering the size of the windows far to both sides of it. High but freshly trimmed hedges adorn the walkway leading to the door.

Manley was pissed that he had to open the door first, which defeated the purpose of having the dogs lead the way. He slowly tried opening the door, but it was locked. He then tried knocking, two minutes later someone came to open the door.

"Who I—"

Critical Strike

EXP Gained 5

Manley stabbed him in the kidney then tossed him in the bushes. Inside, straight ahead is the back of some stairs leading up. To the left of the stairs is a staff area and on the right is the kitchen. Manley had the dogs watch the kitchen and stairs. While he and Roger checked the staff area.

They ran into several men in suits, some of them had guns. Roger created a bright flash; it didn't cause any serious harm, but he was able to blind them.

Manley went to work with his new cane with a heavy metal ball for a handle. He grabbed the weapon from his back and bludgeon three men in quick succession. Roger focused his power on both hands and blasted another two at the same time.

Critical Strike X3

EXP Gained 60

One person left; he was bracing on the wall for support. He looked like a chef, so Manley just tied him up with the jackets from the corpses.

"I just realize, Swen, now knows your power, "said Manley.

"It doesn't matter right now," said Roger.