A Father’s Pride before the Fall

Roger breathed heavily with his hands on his knees, he put everything into that attack. Manley though didn't receive an exp gain notification. He knew that Kilbane was still alive, and he prepared to finish him.

Manley raced after Kilbane where he landed, he lifted his hand to knock the doll out of the way. He received a punch in the face for his trouble.


He rolled with the punch and quickly regained his footing. He looked up and found that his attacker was the skinless faced man.

"You do not touch her!" said Valius

"Fuck you Voldemort," said Manley. He looked around for Kilbane. He spotted him only to realize that his injuries were healing or reversing. The wound vanished, starting from the outside then inward to the center of his chest. The whole process took seconds, but Kilbane looked tired from the action.

Roger recovered and shot a blast of energy at Valius. Valius put his hand out and the beam stopped then reversed. Manley chose that moment to attack, catching Valius off guard. However, he only got one hit with his cane before getting hit in the face multiple times in blinding succession.

Roger threw a kick only to get his leg caught by Valius with his right hand then elbowed in the face with his left while still facing Manley. Manley went in to try and grapple the fast-moving Valius and received a knee to the face.


Manley rolled with his fall over to Roger while Valius just watched. He reached out and put a hand on Roger then himself.


CURE LV1 Gained

Manley tried to use the new skill, but he wasn't thinking straight. All those blows to the head affected him more than he knew. He just assumed that the new spell would heal him without taking the time to think about what it does.

*Spell Blocked*


Manley and Roger got up ready to continue the fight. At the same time Kilbane was ready to jump in the fight.

Kilbane moved in front of Roger and grabbed his face. Manley, influenced by his shared trait with Roger, brought his cane down on Kilbane's foot as he grabbed him.

Kilbane let go of Roger and got blasted again, only this time he stopped it and reversed the beam. Manley tried to follow up only to get slapped away by Kilbane's' other hand, not occupied, stopping the beam.



Manley sent a message in the group chat while rolling with the hit. He ran to Roger's aid, Roger backed up to Rennie and Swen. Swen whispered to Rennie as Roger joined them.

The broken glass windows around them were further shattered as the dogs broke through into the room.

As in response to the dog's entry the doll moved then her skin rippled becoming human then plastic again. The Dogs froze in place then began to howl in agony.

Manley could hear a voice in his mind and the chat at the same time. "MOTHER NEEDS YOU."

*GROUP Members Removed*

MIND Attribute Gained


The dogs then started to grow into giant proportions, their teeth and claws grew long and had a metallic sheen to them. The dog's eyes glowed a bright blue, along with the dolls.

Kilbane paused in his attack that was inches away from Roger and turned around to see the transformation.

"My Vilana, what wonderful new pets you've gained." Kilbane then appeared before the doll, only to get rushed from the side by the now transformed bulldog. He was then mauled while trying to heal the damage. Kilbane tried to freeze one dog only for the others to join in. his effort to heal himself only prolonged his suffering.

While Kilbane screamed in pain, Roger, Manley, Rennie and Swen made their escape. They rushed through the door behind them without looking back. Manley picked up Anthony's body and led the way out of the church.

Outside the church Delvin was already there with the van. Rennie jumped into the passenger seat while the rest got in the back. Manley was the last to get in, he dropped the body then jumped in. the van pulled off before he could close the back doors. He got up from his tumble when the van pulled off and reached for the door. His head was down when he saw a shadow, looking up he came face to face with Valius.

"Thank you for your assistance, this is your gift." Valius raised his hands to the back of the van then jumped off the van door. He slowly fell to the ground then zoomed away to the direction of the church.

Manley quickly closed the door then sat down; his whole body was shaking. Then he heard a noise behind him. He turned around to see Swen and Roger up against the side of the van staring at Anthony's body. Anthony sat up with a scream then abruptly stopped.

"Why do I feel empty?" asked Anthony.

"Maybe because you were supposed to be dead," said Swen. He looked at Anthony intensely. "You still are, how is that possible!"

"What…are you saying?" asked Roger.

"That peeled face bastard was already going to haunt my dreams. Tell me you're not suggesting he can raise the dead," said Manley.

"I don't know, I just know what I sense," said Swen.

"So, what kind of zombie are you, Anthony? Hunger for brains." Manley was still struggling to get his nerves under control.

"I feel nothing," said Anthony. He grabbed on to the side of the van to leverage himself up but stopped when his fingers started to crush his hand hold.

"The target is dead, it happened as we were leaving," said Swen.

"Let's get paid and never look back—" Rennie who was paying attention to the road just heard Swen then got a look at Anthony when he turned around. "Holy mother."

"Not only is he back but he has gotten even stronger," said Swen.

"How?" asked Rennie and Delvin at the same time.

"Who doesn't have powers on this team!" said Manley.

"My brother Rennie and Anthony's brother Delvin are both normal," said Swen.

"I wasn't expecting an answer to that," said Manley. Swen just shrugged and Rennie focused back on the road ahead.

"We left our van," said Roger.

"Fuck the van, they stole my dogs!" said Manley.

The group settled into a tense silence. Manley realized he didn't get any exp for that fight, but he did gain skills.

Manley "Buff" Hill Race: Human/Mutant

Age: 12 EXP. 517/1000 LV. 2

TITLE: Mutant [Title Effect] Reality Manipulator

HP: 103/220 MP: 30/180


STR 18 MND 5

AGI 20

DEX 18

CON 22

WIS 14

INT 18



READING ADVANCE LV7 Reading Speed +120% Motion Tracking +10%

BIOLOGY BASIC LV9 Critical Strikes 180%

ANALYZE BASIC LV8 Receive Subject Details

BRAWLING ADVANCE LV1 Increase Attack and Defense +80% Reaction Speed +10%

ANIMAL TRAINING LV8 Improved Communication with Animals

TEACHING LV9 Teaching Speed +18%

MELEE WEAPON LV1 Weapon Damage +2%

MENTAL DEFENSE LV1 Resist Mental Effects


REGENERATION ADVANCE LV1 Regenerates Damage mana cost -30% CURE LV1 Removes Illness

MANA MANIPULATION LV1 Circulate Mana Throughout the Body

Manley excitement over getting a new attribute, the ability to use spells with any part of his body and more attack power almost distracted him from his fear. He was completely out matched by his opponents and there was nothing he could do. The small amount of confidence built up after fighting normal people was gone.

The group reported back to Ainest that the job was done, however they kept what really happened a secret. Rennie's group got what they needed from Ainest, Roger and Manley were paid handsomely.

The group went their separate ways for the final time. Roger went to school as usual while trying to avoid the kids that were after him. Manley spent a lot more time with his family. Although it wasn't by choice, they thought he had regress. He would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and alarming his parents. The puppy was no longer allowed to sleep in his room because of how badly he had scared it.

Manley was forced to spend more time with his family, although he didn't mind it, he recognized how this could impact his independence. Manley's father came home from work earlier than usual while his mother was still fussing over him.

"How are feeling Little…well you're not so little anymore," said Robert.

"I am better now dad, I am just thinking about college," said Manley.

"College? You can take a break you know. You've already made me proud if that's what you're worried about." Robert rubbed his son's head before seating down.

"I am fine dad; I want to do this. I can't let a small set back halt my progress, I want to do this. Plus, after what happened to Roger…we must get out of here before something worse happens to him." Manley lowered his head to hide his bad acting skills.

"Yes, I heard about that. I have some connections around here, but those favors can only go so far. My medical practice is already pushing it," said Robert.

"Terrible thing that happened to the Barren boy. The same could've happened to you baby if you didn't listen to your mother. Why your father learned—"

"Enough Ashly! Don't fill the boys head with your bitterness. Listen son, I was able to call in some favors but…would you be okay without us in New York?" asked Robert.

"I will have Roger with me, so I should be fine. Where will we be going?" said Manley.

"New York's Columbia University, I know your interest in biochemistry, but you can always decide to finish your studies. Plus, with your brilliant mind I am sure you can take advantage of the great opportunities there. One more thing son, you keep your head down and keep Roger out of trouble. Things are worse in New York than it is here, but I have assurances from certain people," said Robert.