A Slim Chance in Hell

Manley went back to his car, drove to his apartment, stashed the money then went back to the university. That morning he worked on making new pills, gave some to Roger, so he could train on his own, and went to new places to try and sell his pills. He had some success but for the most part nothing major. His business plan was hitting a lull and he had yet to really make any contacts that would help him track down any gangs. He decided to deposit some of his cash in the bank.

The next day Manley went straight to the lab, Lemuel was already there working on his own thing. Manley started by first experimenting with his growth skill. He picked out the rodents he worked on before and used the skill.

The spell had no visible effect, he tried it on all the other lab rats, but he only got a reaction from the younger ones. The process stopped rather quickly, and the rat looked slightly bigger but went in a frenzy and started eating. He used the skill again and it grew a little bit more but didn't stop eating.

"So, this skill accelerates growth but only if the growth was genetically possible. The growing tissue requires energy so that creates another limitation. This skill is shit and it didn't even level, fuck you class!" said Manley.

"What are you yelling about now?" asked Lemuel. "You're possibly touched in the head, but at least be respectful of other's precious mental state."

"Hey what do I do if I use up all the resources allotted to us?" asked Manley.

"I…I would be very upset for one and we would have to wait a month for a new supply. Please don't do that," said Lemuel.

"I was thinking of paying out of pocket to get extra supplies."

"Oh, well that would be wonderful—"

"Not for you, for my personal use."

"Then go talked to Doctor Palmer, he oversees the supplies for the medical center. He can help you, bastard had me pay for my own supply of samples. I had to get a job—"

"Thank you, buddy, later!"

Manley asked around until he got directions to the doctor. He had to wait until the man finished talking to someone but after that, things were rather simple. He told the doctor what he would need, he was given a price and promise to bring the money.

As he left the medical center with his bag on his back in ran into Rosie again. The other boy looked gloomy and not his chatty self.

"Hey there, Rosie, what's got you down in the dumps?" asked Manley.

"Hello, my friend, business I am afraid. A rather unfortunate situation," said Rosie.

Manley stopped mid step, his intent to walk past the boy after annoying him, abandoned. "Oh yeah, what kind of business?"

"It's not something you should concern yourself with—"

"I am a businessman myself, if your business interests me, maybe I can help…for a fee of course."

"Unless you have some hidden gang connections friend, you cannot help me."

"Gang you say…take a load off buddy. Tell me all that troubles you." Manley gave Rosie an unsettling smile, then led him by the shoulders to sit in a corner.

Rosie was reluctant to speak about his problems. He kept changing the subject every time Manley would ask. Manley was tempted to punch him in the face but finally he relented.

"Look, I engage in a particular money-making venture here at the university. Recently some unsavory individuals have taken notice of my associates and are making things difficult for us. I would have to pay them a large cut of the proceeds, which would leave me with nothing and defeating the purpose of my involvement."

"Tell me who I should be looking for, then we can talk payment."

"You can't handle Bertolli's people, and if you could, I can't afford such a service."

"Tell me where I can find them, and I will handle it."

"Handle it how?"

"Tell me what I need to know, we can discuss payment later."

Rosie looked at Manley skeptically but told him about the mob and their local businesses. He made it a point to never mention the specifics of his conflict with them or what should be done to them.

Manley left the conversation rather happy with the outcome. He went back to his room, then to his apartment, got the money, paid the doctor then drove to a local business of the Bertolli mob.

"That Rosie is too slick, but all I needed was a lead, anything else was just a side benefit." Manley parked his car across the street and made it as obvious as possible that he was watching the restaurant.

Two Italian men in a grey and black suit respectively came out of the restaurant, Manley got out of his car and tried to causally walk away. They followed him, he walked faster and so did they, he stopped at a store looked through the window. The men came up behind him, each grabbing his shoulder.

"We want to have a talk with you, don't make any noise and follow us," said one man.

Manley didn't resist and the two led him to the restaurant and to a backroom. They sat him in a chair in a dark room with an overhead light, that hung low enough to manipulate while standing. The two men stood of in the dark without saying anything. They remained like that for a few minutes.

A fat man in a suit showed up later, he didn't even look in Manley's direction.

"Pauly, Mikey, what's the situation?" asked the fat man. He pulled out a seat from the corner that Manley couldn't see because of the overhead light directly on him.

"Some of the fellas spotted someone watching the place, we got him here. We're now waiting for Slim," said Pauly or Mikey.

"Oh, sounds like a fun time, doesn't it?" The fat man looked in Manley's direction but saw no visible reaction from him. "Fun time…Mikey, didn't Slim pick up that urchin, maybe the boy will see some real work tonight."

"Slim was already on his way with the boy, I am sure he will have words with our friend here," said Mikey.

"Ha, I should work him over a little before, Slim, gets to him…just a little." The fat man stood up and slowly walked over to Manley. "This is just a taste of what's to come." He then looked away into the shadows. "Pauly get my tools, I—" He turned back only to see Manley standing directly in front of him. He froze, mind trying to puzzle out how the young man closed the two-meter distance without him noticing.

Manley punched the fatty in the stomach, then grabbed him by the head as he bent forward. Using the fat man as a shield, he moved towards the two men in the shadows.

Mikey and Pauly pulled out 1911s and started to circle in opposite directions to get a good shot on their target.

Manley grabbed the neck of the fat man's suit and pushed him forward but to the side so that his body was still covered, he was only slightly exposed to grey suit who he was charging.

Mikey in the grey suit fired, missed, and watched as the young black man did a forward roll then kicked his leg out from under him. He then fell face first on top of the young man, then turned sideways and caught a bullet from his partner in the back.

Manley reach for the gun in grey suits hand, turned it on the other man, then fired five shots through the armpits of his human shield. One shot connected and the man went own.

The fat man got up and made a run for the door, Manley ignored him and rushed over to the other man. He picked up the man's gun, then finished him and his partner with a pointblank shot to the head.

Critical Strike X2

EXP Gained 30

Manley searched the bodies, reloaded both pistols, then adjusted the light in the room. He waited for nearly half an hour before someone entered the room.

The door was opened but no one entered, Manley could see clearly with the lights pointed at the door. The lights then went off and came back on, Manley was on alert.

A ten- or eleven-year-old boy, with freckles and red hair was pushed through the door. The fat man was trying to crouch behind the boy. The little boy was very calm, despite the situation.

"Put your gun down or the boy dies," said the fat man. He had a gun to the boy's head as he tried to make himself as small as possible behind the small boy.

Manley maintained his position, guns pointed and said nothing. He decided to move slowly in the dark to get a better shot on the fat man because he wasn't any good with a gun.

"I mean it, I will blow this kid away!" the fat man remained in the doorway while heavily pressing the gun to the boy's head.

Manley was taking slow steps when his feet suddenly made a noise, he froze. He quickly jerked his head back as a knife came close to slicing his throat. Manley stumbled back, then raised his guns, only to have then knocked out of his hands. He grabbed the knife hand of the shadow, then got punched in the face with the other hand. He stumbled back once again, the shadow went to stab him, he threw his hand up. The knife was lodged in Manley's left hand, he could feel it pushing against the skin of the back of his hand, but not quite making an exit wound. He grabbed the man's knife hand with his right hand, quickly pulled his left off the knife, then grabbed the man's wrist with his now bloody hand.


The man in the shadow started kicking Manley's ribs but he held on. Manley then pulled the man closer with both hands. The man brought his knee up between them, with his other leg placed solidly on the ground. They entered a stalemate, light poured over the two. The light revealed a tall, slim but toned man. His brown hair in a ponytail, a thin mustache, and loose-fitting brown suit with white undershirt.

"Ha, ha, ha, Slim, I never thought I would see you having a tough time," said the fat man. He was no longer holding the kid but was pointing the light in their direction. The boy was still standing at the doorway with no expression on his face.

Slim squinted at the comment, before screaming in pain as his wrist began to burn. Manley felt the acid that he turned his spilt blood into start to affect him as well. He held on hoping to do more damage before his brawling skill is overwhelmed.

Manley avoided using his mana substitute in this way precisely because of this situation. If he gives the effect to another person's body then that person is unaffected but if they touch him, he is affected. Then there is this situation where he gave his expelled blood the effect of acid but because it's no longer attached to him, it affects him upon contact as well.

Slim released his hold on Manley, Manley released as well, he then jumped back scrambling for his dropped guns. He picked up a gun, turned and fired, as Slim was right above him ready to strike. He emptied the clip into the other man.

"The Hand…will," said Slim. His dying words made little sense to Manley.

Critical strike X2

EXP Gained 60

The fat man was in the center of the room when Manley made eye contact with him, he turned to run. Manley chased him and caught him right before he could reach the door and the kid. The fat man's forgotten gun dropped from his hands; a knife lodged in his back.


Critical Strike

EXP Gained 8