Say My Name

The research group was stationed in two connecting log cabins, surrounded by an open field. Close to the cabins were six cows, further away, five goats and in a cage, a couple of chickens. The group was stopped by soldiers before they could start exploring, they were required to sign some documents then be sworn to secrecy.

They were informed that their research will belong to the government, but they can continue to profit from it on their own. Manley had no problem singing the paperwork, because he didn't plan to giveaway any of his bigger money-making opportunities for free. This scheme is simply to build up his reputation and get him in contact with the right people.

The team got to work on studying the serum that Manley created. He told them he discovered it by accident and is not certain how it actually works. They first analyzed the ingredients but couldn't make sense of why it had the effect it did. Attempts to recreate it using the same ingredients were met with failure.

Manley in an attempt to save his plan gave the effect of scan to a microscope. He then blamed the device on his brother Roger. This was met with skepticism but Professor Dell knowing the secrets of his father chose not to ask questions. Using the device, he then guided the team in identifying the growth hormone in different animals. Despite Manley's cheating it still took a year of research before Lemuel was able to find a way to overstimulate the glands responsible for these hormones.







The next problem to tackle was food production, for these rapidly growing animals. This time Manley took on this project alone. Using scan, he analyzed various plants, trees, and grains. He was able to identify the hormones responsible for growth, but he lacked Lemuel's genius in genetic engineering. Struggling over the problem for a long time, Manley gave up and decided to seek advice.

"I would love to help but from what I can see, this problem is beyond me. How do you even know what's responsible for what? I am utterly confused," said Lemuel.

Manley walked off into the field out of frustration and just looked off into the distance. In the direction he was looking he could see a goat, scratching itself on a tree.

"Probably has fleas, maybe some other diseases…" Manley's eyes opened wide, he then bent down to look at the grass. He used scan to get a closer look at the various bacteria. He observed their reproductive process, he then observed the hormones of plants, copied the effect with mana substitute, then applied it to some bacteria.

He continued his experiments on different generations of bacteria. After many tries, he was able to get certain bacteria to carry the effect to later generations that were then born with said effect naturally. He then applied these bacteria to the grass and watched as they got to work.


Lemuel and Professor Dell were woken up to Manley's yelling in the middle of the night. He was looking out the window. As they joined him to see, they bore witness to the tall grass outside the cabin.

"What has happened, have we slept for months without notice?" asked Professor Dell.

"No professor, I did it. I have created life or made it bigger." Manley couldn't help the smile splitting his face.

Manley then created and anti-viral version of his growth bacteria. The two germs were then contained and packaged for the government to use. This huge success in a years' time, came as a surprise. The group had to wait for another month before receiving any response.

"I've received word that we'll be receiving a Nobel Prize for our work. The president himself will be there to shake our hands. I will receive support for my personal research and you lads will receive your doctorates." Professor Dell was extremely excited, despite not contributing to the research itself he still stood to gain from this. "I will forgo any prize money, to you boys, I've done no—"

"Don't worry about it, Professor, just give the money to Lemuel, and you've been instrumental in getting us to this point. I look forward to seeing the one with the shallow gene pool," said Manley.

"What?" asked Lemuel.

"The President," said Manley.

"Why…you know what I don't care, thank you both for this honor. I can do so much with this money," said Lemuel.

Manley was aware of Lemuel's money problems and had no problem letting the young man have the Professor's share of the prize. Although he planned to keep his own prize money. He learned so much from Lemuel, this project that they embarked on actually hinged solely on the other boy's head. Manley had no way of explaining his magic so needed his expertise.

Manley made plans to buy up property around the research site a year prior but for what he had in mind, learning that the land he had his eye on was a protected forest was a setback. He was forced to buy a small house, a way station that he uses to imbue his pills and have them shipped of to the city. Having to then put his plans on hold, he had dedicated himself to obtaining results sooner. It took him a year of working with Lemuel to achieve results, which really tested his patience.

The group got a trip to the White House, but the actual prize would have to wait till December and the ceremony would be in Stockholm, Sweden. Manley was able to visit the White house for the first time in both lifetimes. They were led by security into the presidential office, where the president greeted them from behind his desk. They all received handshakes and polite word but before Manley could say anything the president already indicated that he wanted to speak with him privately.

The meeting with the President was in the same office, just without the Professor or Lemuel present.

"Manly Hill, what an incredible young man—"

"It's pronounced Man-lay Mister President," said Manley.

The President smiled then made eye contact with Manley to show he wasn't bothered by the interruption. "My apologies, young man, you're perfectly within your right to correct me. I am afraid I forget my manners at times. Let me properly introduce myself then, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, it is my absolute honor to meet you Manley Hill."

"What can I help you with Mr. President?" asked Manley. He deliberately looked around at the security as he asked this. Manley wanted to let the President know that he is aware that they're not friends meeting for a chat.

"Yes, well the young are prone to impatience but being a young patriot as I am sure you must—"

"Let me guess, your people did some digging on me and found out about the miracle pill?"

"Not just that, it seems you were primarily responsible for this scientific breakthrough that will revolutionize the farming industry. Why not—"

"I can offer an exclusive contract; I don't do charity unless it's for tax purposes. I will not manufacture or sell privately until government orders are fulfilled."

"I was thinking—"

"No charity! I am not just a private citizen after all, I am a businessman, with employees and obligations."

"That…see the issue we have here is that our nation is in crisis, and I can't in good conc—"

"I am aware of our nations issues Mr. President, and I am prepared to make a deal that helps us both—"

"Boy I am a very patient man, but you interrupt me again and I will put you over my knee. I suggest you have a very compelling reason; else I will be seizing this pill formula under suspicions that it's connected to the research I just paid for."

"Interesting threat but no, I am certain that you've had people take samples and they were unable find out how it works. In fact, I am guessing you were informed that it should not work."

"Go ahead young man."

"So here is my plan, you buy the exclusive contract from me, and supplement some of the payment with land in Blue Ridge Mountain Pennsylvania."

"This is your plan, not only is that not worth the paper it's printed on, but I also have a lifelong interest in the environment and conservation. You—"

"You done? As I was saying I will sweeten the deal with another pill besides the miracle pill."

"Go on, I am interested to see what manner of medicine would make me go against my principles."

"How about a pill that can cure your condition, I call it the cure-all pill. It doesn't actually cure all, but it should work on most—"

"Boy if this is a joke I swear to—"

"You didn't think I would make this offer without proof did you. I am sure you have a whole hospital full of kids with polio that can't wait for treatment. I will administer treatment to one as proof.

"This, even with that being the case I can't simply give you the land, congress would have to approve it."

"I am sure they will be convinced after seeing what benefits I bring, plus you didn't think I was just going to do something meaningless with the land did you. I plan to build a city, one that's half modern and the other half a lush jungle paradise. You've seen what I created so you know I know a thing or two about plants."

"Oh, and why would you do this Mr. Hill."

"The city is a way to stimulate the economy and the jungle is a way for me to continue my research, win, win."

"I will have to consider your proposal."

"Hopeful not to long, the longer you delay, the longer it takes before you can walk under your own power again."

Manley was escorted out of the office with a smile on his face. His plans hedged on getting that land, he needed a place where he could conduct his experiments. The type of experiments he had planned, has a lot to do with his breakthrough engineering bacteria. He wanted to try his hands at something bigger and better, but he needed a place where he could do that unimpeded.