Shaman Says, Party

Manley walked back to his cabin, with his mind in turmoil. He was a container of conflicting emotions, but his body kept moving forward. He felt as though, his body on autopilot, with his mind getting dragged along for the ride. Without having to worry about his physical movement, he had plenty of time to think. "The wolf was a manifestation of my instincts, so maybe now my instincts have a mind of its own…I don't know but…this is not bad.

He felt freer now than ever before, a weight, literal and figurative was lifted off his shoulders. He smiled, reaching his hand out he waved it through the foliage of the nearest tree.

SHIFT LV1 Shape shift into a wolf form

"That's exciting, control, mmm…savory." Manley was so happy he didn't even notice the wolves following him, Although part of him did, the part that was in charge of heightened senses.

As Manley approached his cabin, he was alerted to an intruder, he wasn't sure how, but he was certain that someone was there. He approached cautiously, as he cut through the woods into the clearing, he could see a man in a suit on his cabin porch.

"Who goes there?" asked Manley. The man turned around and was on alert. Simon Halloway was glaring at Manley, his right hand under his jacket holding something.

"Doctor Hill, would you care to explain these torn cloths on the ground?" asked Simon.

Manley took one more step, stopped, stared the man down, then smirked. "Would you believe I was ravage by a beast?"

Simon relaxed slightly then removed his hand from the inside of his jacket and adjusted his tie. "What manner of beast?"

Manley raised an eyebrow at the question. "Wolf."

"And did this wolf manage to infect you, Doctor Hill?"

"Oh, why do you ask?" Manley didn't like the direction this conversation was going; this man was a business partner nothing more. Why would he think Manley was doing anything but joking.

Simon tensed up once more, his hand slowly moving to his jacket. "I ask young Doctor because on a visit to speak to a business partner, I find torn clothing on your porch, and I find you being escorted by wolves."

Manley raised his head in surprise, then looked down and slightly behind him. Three wolves looked up at him then walked up to rub their heads against his leg. "I see your point, what now?"

"That depends on you and what flavor of werewolf you are."

Manley held his chin, pretending to think. "How exactly does a philanthropist become familiar with werewolves?"

Simon gave a forced smile. "I never said I was, but I am an avid reader. I have heard of such things but can't say I ever expected to be in this situation."

"Mmm…well you will be happy to know, that I am very much in control of the situation. If anyone were to be able to find a cure, it would be me." Manley resumed walking to his cabin. "So how can I help you Mister Halloway."

SIGH! "Upon finding out about the deal with the government and the substantial amount of money that was made, I felt it necessary that we have a discussion. This deal we made was not something I expected to make such an immediate profit."

"So, it's safe to say I have proven to be a great investment. Have you seen the city I am building?" asked Manley. He opened the cabin door, then carried some packages that were laying there in with him.

Simon tracked Manley cautiously with his eyes, as he entered his cabin. Following after him, Simon took a moment to look around. "I've seen the people either protesting or waiting to get a glimpse of the most famous man in the country."

Manley paused then turned around to face Simon. "Say what now?"

"You developed a cure for the vast majority of worldly illness and sold it for an expensive but attainable price. You my dear Doctor has earned the Nobel Peace Prize, so logically you're known worldwide."

"I...never mind that, what do you need from me?"

"First, I am curious to know what you have planned?" ask Simon.

"Building a city and conducting radical experiments on wildlife."

"Listen, my young friend, I am afraid you maybe overreaching, and no amount of confidence or arrogance is going to get you through what comes next." Simon found a seat, took a cigarette out of his jacket pocket, Manley gave him a look and he put it away. "You my dear Doctor have step up to a much larger stage and as your senior, I felt it was only proper that I gave you some advice: be careful, be cautious, I've seen to many young men lose themselves to early success."

"You came all this way just to lecture me?" Manley made himself a sandwich, after unpacking the new food supplies he found on the porch on his way in. "Tell you what, trust me one more time and invest in this city I am building. Talk to my property manager and get you some land, also invest in my fast-food restaurant."

Simon drummed his fingers on the table before replying. "You have yet to assuage my concerns about your possible feral nature but request my trust?" Simon looked down as he thought to himself. "I will do this, but I will not tolerate your indiscretions if you fail to tame this beast."

"I've recently made an appointment with an expert, but I believe even without that, you've nothing to worry about." Manley walked into his bathroom to take a shower, leaving Simon awkwardly seating at the dining table.

"Good Doctor, there is still much to discuss, also your lovely wife has made some requests of me to convey to you."

"What? Do you want to declare your undying love for me on her behalf because as you can imagine I am currently busy." Manley started filling the tub to take a bath. "Thank you for your concern, Mister Halloway."

After getting dressed and seeing Simon off, Manley made his way to Bill's campsite. The wolves were on his front porch, Simon having fed them while Manley was bathing. "I have to teach you three how to speak."

As Manley got back to the campsite, he could already tell where Bill was. "You're a lot less stealthy, Indian Bill."

"You are still not funny, Black what your name, we have little time, we have to make it to the shaman before sunset," said Bill.

"How far away is this shaman and how many herbs do I have to smoke?"

"I wouldn't know, but that man…"

"You don't seem to like this shaman," said Manley.

"That man killed my family because he wanted to rebuild "The Tribe," he doesn't even know what tribe he belongs to, but his beast doesn't care, it hunts my people in the hopes of turning them. If I could kill him…"

"And you're taking me to this man?" Manley stopped and locked his gaze with Bill.

GRUNT! "We have no choice! he is the oldest Wolf Cursed and the most knowledgeable. Trust me, I spent years with that man and his son, I hate him more than I have ever hated anyone, but he is over a hundred years old and knows the curse."

Manley resumed walking and slowed down for Bill to get ahead of him. "So, he killed your family as a wolf, I suppose it would be hard to cut his head of in his sleep without hands. That would've been an awkward revenge, the man wasn't even himself when he did it."

Bill turned around in rage but immediately calmed down after facing Manley. "You don't understand, he has long gained complete control over his beast form. He did it simply to free me of burden, his words not mine. That man is the monster, just knowing he exists terrifies me, for every day I survive, I risk becoming that."

"That is hardcore Bill, I would help you but if you want to die then why are you so afraid of me?"

Bill lowered his head; he took a moment before answering. "…I don't know what will await me in the next life…but…I don't fear you, the beast does."

Manley smirked. "What's the difference, like you said, "Two becomes one," I am the one you fear."

The two walked through the mountain for an hour before getting close to their destination. Manley enjoyed the feeling of his body moving on auto pilot, he could control his movements if he focused but the moment he doesn't it just happened like breathing.

The pair was moving through the woods at great speed, but their destination was relatively close. "You didn't move very far away from this guy, even though you hate him."

"I did once but every night I would find myself, waking up closer to this part of the mountain. The spot I settled was the furthest I could go without making my way back at night," said Bill.

"Can't quit him huh, I thought this was Blue mountain not Brokeback. How much longer…"

Manley and Bill walked into a clearing, on what seem to be a party. A group of white women in native American garb were dancing around a very fit old native American man with two tomahawks doing some type of performative martial arts dance.

"The fuck am I seeing?" asked Manley.

"I do not know." Bill was equally confused by the proceedings. He recognized the self-titled Shaman Koga in the middle. The women he has never seen before, nor does he know what was going on. "Koga!"

The noise died down after Bill's shout, the old man did a flip before facing Bill and Manley. He smiled wide then brought his tomahawks together and held them with one hand. "Wolf! have you stopped running?"

Bill clenched his fist, then took a deep breath. "Koga, what is all this?"

Koga looked around confused, then shrugged at one of the women before looking back at Bill. "Whatever do you mean, Wolf?"

Bill began gesticulating at the women and the giant bonfire in the middle of the forest. "This! All these women and…what craziness are you doing now Koga?"

Koga, looked around then back at Bill, smiling. "This is our future; we will rebuild the tribe with this. It is small now but with my guidance we will build. This great shaman has provided, we are saved!"

The women cheered at the end of Koga's speech.

"I am not going to lie, Bill, you under sold this dude," said Manley.