The rooftop of the Academy appeared to be filled with enormous white circles on land from above, and some ravishing subsistence were floundering in one of those circles with a stack of books in front of them. The chilly weather and bright sun on the rooftop in the early morning indicated the breath of spells in every square inch.
Ophni's eyes were flaring with red smoke as he glared at Lynorr, who was looking back at him as water began to drip from his hand next to the book on the table.
"Your highness, the book!" Lynorr's char blurted out in a loud voice.
"Stop it both of you," Ayrton said as he shut the book in his hand and glared at them while grasping another book from the table.
In this small chaos, Lydan was sleeping peacefully with his head on the table—his pale white face was half-covered with his raven-long and silky hair.
"Sometimes I think you both are adversaries, not relatives," Arlo said, smiling as he glanced at both Ophni and Lynorr one at a time.
"You aren't one to say this to me," Lynorr said as the water reabsorbed in her hand.
"Why?" Arlo asked.
"Because you always stay on the edge to fight with her," Ophni said while smirking as he lifted his head toward Arlo while closing the book.
"Excuse me, how can you take her side when you two were just about to fight? And besides, she's the one who always started a fight with me," Arlo said while raising his eyebrow.
"We weren't fighting," Lynorr said as she stared at Ophni with a smirk.
"What do you mean?" Arlo blatted.
"We were trying to create a disturbance so we can get out of this classroom that doesn't even have a rooftop," Ophni said as his flaring smoke faded.
"And I said you can't," Ayrton said as he flipped the page of the book.
"Who asked for your permission?" Ophni said as he stood from his seat and walked toward the wall of fog.
Ophni fell on his back with a jolt as soon as he touched the fog as if someone had pushed him "I don't advise or say anything just because I have the right to do so according to all kingdom's obliged rules," Ayrton said as he flipped another page without taking off his regard from the book "Sometimes it's just out of concerned."
Lydan sat straight suddenly with his eyes wide open in shock as soon as he heard the loud thud sound—Arlo and Lynorr were holding back their horselaugh with all their might while covering their faces with books.
Ophni glared at Ayrton and then at the wall "Gage" Ophni murmured in a rage.
Two days agone...
"His hands have started to heal," Lynorr said as she placed Feron's hand on the bed.
"That's good to hear," Arlo said as he stood beside Lynorr, who was seated on the Chair beside Feron's bed.
Both Lynorr and Arlo were in Feron's room "Did you sort out a way how to get those craven crystals?" Lynorr asked.
"I thought you would do that" Arlo said while preventing his eyes.
"Seriously, you!" Lynorr halted as she heard a knock on the door.
"Yes," Arlo gave permission.
A man in the butler's garb came in as he made a bow "What's it Caspian?" Arlo asked the menial that came in.
"Your highness, professor Gage has asked for both of you," Caspian said.
"Just us?"
"No, he has asked for all the royalties except for his highness Feron"
"Have you informed others?"
"Yes, they've formerly left"
"Bring me my cloak," Arlo said as Caspian left the room after a bow.
"Do you think he has found out?" Arlo asked as he goggled at Lynorr.
"I don't think so" Lynorr responded as she looked back at Arlo.
"I am really happy to have you all here," Gage said while smiling extensively.
"Lydan, if you see Gage smiling like that do make a run for your life before he sees you," Arlo said in a low voice as he was standing beside Lydan.
"Why?" Lydan signed.
"That's an indication of something portentous to be," Arlo again said in a lower voice.
Lydan looked toward Arlo with a surprised face "It's true," Arlo said while gaping back at him "I know because Lynorr told me, Gage is Lynorr's educator since she was a child."
"Why did you ask for us in the classroom?" Ayrton asked.
"It's to resume our today's class, your highness," Gage said, smiling wider than before.
"It has gotten dark and I think it's nearly past twelve," Ayrton said with a frown.
"Don't worry, your highness, it's evening right now, I've asked the spell caster to make it dark before the time" Gage replied.
"Still, it's late" Ophni bayed.
"I can't help it your highness it's all per the head's instructions," Gage said, smiling even wider.
Arlo felt a bite down his chin as he shuddered, "So you're saying that we'll be taking our class now when all the other classes are empty?" Lynorr said, rolling her eyes "You aren't making sense."
"You don't have any other choice but to do what I say, your highness" Gage stated "Please be seated."
"I am out of here," Ophni said as he walked toward the open space in the wall of fog behind Gage.
"I suggest you sit down," Gage said, smiling again as he step in front of Ophni.
"And if I don't?" Ophni said with a smirk.
Gage smiled gaping at Ophni who was standing in front of him as he felt his body being tied, Ophni looked down and saw that his whole body was tied with chains made from the fog "Are these chains made from the fog too?" Ophni thought to himself.
Gage darted his fritter as Ophni was suddenly dragged down by chains toward his seat "Now shall we start?" Gage said as all of them sat on their chairs.
"Now, what?" Arlo asked.
"As you all can see these few books in front of you, in two days you all have to read and learn it" Gage instructed.
"So?" Ophni lumbered as he was seated on his chair.
"You can not leave the class until you learn all these books and give a quiz" Gage continued "Oh and there will be no food and water."
"What's the meaning of this?" Lydan signed after knocking at the table to get attention.
"It means that unless you finish these books and give a quiz you can not leave here and no food will be provided as a discipline" Gage answered while smiling.
"What discipline?" Ophni bayed while glaring at Gage.
"You know it better than me, what did you do wrong to have a discipline like this?" Gage replied as he goggled at Ophni while smiling "I will be going then and your highness your chains will be removed when you forget the intention to leave from here."
Before Ophni or anyone else could have said something, Gage faded into the fog as the space in the wall covered again, leaving all of them stunned at their place.
To be continued...