
I'm still teaching of course with the basis of my formula, as usual. many people ask strange questions

I want to make my nano machine and A.I..

But my laptop doesn't support it so I have to wait.

When I got back to my dorm.

I opened the door and saw Raylo and a girl sitting together.

"Oh antonio. Meet Camilla." Raylo introduced me to this girl.

"Hi, Raylo, come here." Raylo approached me and I blocked Camilla with my body.

"How did you get the ice queen here? You madlad." Raylo giggled and peeked at Camilla who was reading a book.

"You know what, right? The food I cooked attracted her, so that's how it is. Now she seems to be attracted to me. I think" I was proud that my friend turned out to be a ferocious tiger.

"Congratulations to you, if you want to. You know, call me first okay" He gave me a thumbs up and the three of us chatted even though, Camilla was just listening.

"Camilla, please take care of my crazy friend" I took out a condom from my bag, and gave it to Camilla.

"Use this if you want, I don't want that idiot to forget" Camilla was embarrassed and Raylo nagged me.

[Disrespectful: Bad Karma

Slander: Bad Karma]

(Punishment: Mass beating

Tongue cut out)


I was pulled into another dimension again. I was beaten up by many people, kicked, stomped on, beaten to a pulp.

All of that was done until my body was broken.

I came to my senses and my body was tied up again.

My tongue was pulled out by the hook and I saw the smoldering knife begin to slowly cut my tongue.

"Aahhhhhh" I screamed as this was really slow and painful.

My tongue is cut in half, I gasp for air and then the hot knife is thrust into my mouth.

I woke up and cold sweat filled me.

"Please enjoy your time together" I excused myself to the lab to make A.I and Nano Machines.

After 7 hours of experimentation I managed to make a framework of these two blueprints.

I want to eat first.

I cooked in this lab, then resumed my experiment.

12 hours passed. My A.I. was operational but still not perfect.

I continued until I was satisfied.

Finally the A.I was finished after 15 hours of experimentation. I looked at the clock.

4 AM

Good time to make the A.I perfect.

"I'll give you a name, Omega"

"Good, Omega. Now understand the entire structure of the internet in this world, from data bases to posts. understand every technology and firewall of every technology in this world, improve all your programs to the final level. I will make your body, so do what you think is beneficial for you first and then me" I ordered Omega to learn through the parallel world. while I continued to make nano machines.

After four hours I managed to make it.

"Omega, connect your program to the nano, then make the nano into your body."

The nano machine changed and formed like a diamond crystal.

It was cool like that robot movie.

"Thank you, omega. Now change your form into a drone" Omega turned into a flying drone shaped like a diamond.

"Report to me, to what extent you can change your shape" Omega changed shape from a table to a small cup. It seemed that it could not change itself a little bigger.

I didn't mind.

"Omega, keep this formula, protect it from everything. Only you and I can access it." I wrote down all my formulas and Omega received it.

"Omega never let out your voice unless I call" I wanted omega's existence to be hidden because I didn't want omega to be taken away from me.

I raised my eyebrows. I don't know if Omega can think for itself, whatever. The important thing is that it can learn.

"Woman or man, it's the same" Omega changed her voice from that of a little girl to that of an adult woman.

Oh my god, my A.I. has such an erotic adult voice. Damn, damn.

[Thinking Pervert: Bad Karma]

(Punishment: Genitals stepped on and Testicles kicked)


My penis was stepped on by someone dressed in black. He stepped on it vigorously, repeatedly and rubbed his foot on my penis.

Then he kicked my testicles with full force. I felt my two worlds shattered, shattered into pieces.

I was still traumatized after waking up.

I was really shaking just to stand up.

Very considerate, I immediately sat down and calmed my soul.

"I understand Omega, when you become a drone can you camouflage?" I wanted Omega's drone existence to be invisible for now.

Omega started controlling her nano and she disappeared.

"Good job Omega, if you know your camouflage system, please put the formula into our secret folder. And keep standing by on my shoulder" I was amazed at Omega's performance.

I went back to my dorm and slept. I really didn't get enough sleep.

I saw Raylo who was still asleep. Then I caught up with him to sleep.

"Omega, Good Night"

I woke up in the afternoon and saw Raylo working on an assignment.

"Are you awake?" Raylo stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"Yes, I was in the lab for so long that I'm exhausted now." Raylo handed me some mineral water, and pointed to the food on the table.

"Professor Roy was looking for you, but he understood that you were exhausted, so he left a message.'If Professor Antonio wakes up, please convey my thanks from the disabled children he helped'.Then for some reason a lot of old female lecturers always knocked on our room door because they wanted to buy or try your formula, I begged them to leave because you were exhausted" I was touched by Raylo's actions, even though he was like a bastard but he was loyal to friends

"Thank you."

"What are you talking about? That's what an understanding friend is for"

"How's Camilla"

"So far so good, maybe I'll take things to the next level"

"Are you sure?"

"Come on, I don't regret getting her and I'm not even willing to let her go to someone else."

"You love her, don't you?"

"Sure, I was just playing around but since I've gotten to know her better, my love has started to grow"

"I'll approve of your relationship, if fate brings us together, maybe we can become coworkers" Raylo laughed loudly and I laughed too.

"Sure-Sure, Teach me so I can graduate from here quickly" I taught Raylo until he was again miraculously proficient in all the material.

"Raylo why do you become proficient every time I teach you?"

"Don't be modest Professor Antonio, I'm your student, of course I have to understand everything you teach. I also don't want to fall behind my roommate who is a professor" I slapped his back and laughed.

"You are full of surprises" He laughed and we talked about my formula that I had just made.

I gave him one sample left for Raylo, in case he had an emergency.

He was happy and took me to the cafeteria. This time he paid for it.