Stuck Together [Pt 1]

"Medusa" Amanda Hills breathed.

She had heard the legend of the serpent queen and how she had been made how she was. It had all began with her being so beautiful and the fairest of all her sisters and her beauty attracted the god; Poseidon who wanted her for himself. Medusa had no interest in the god and this angered him to the point where he sought to have her forcefully and so on that particular day, Medusa was taking a bath in the river when Poseidon sprung upon her. She ran into the temple of Athena; the goddess of war to protect her but the goddess was deaf to her pleas as Poseidon raped her repeatedly. After the act had been committed and Medusa remained crying in the temple of Athena, it was said that the goddess grew angry and cursed her making her hair into snakes and her face so ugly that any man who looked upon her became stoned but other version said that Athena gave her that gift so that no man could ever take advantage of her again.