Army Reward Notification, Epic Equipment Customization (1)

Lu Yan opened the door and saw Li Mei'er standing in front of him.

Looking at Li Mei'er in front of them, Lu Yan and Li Mei'er's expressions were slightly unnatural.

The previous night still made Lu Yan and Li Mei'er somewhat awkward.

He and Li Mei'er arrived at the living room on the first floor. Everyone else had already arrived, including Luo Liuli.

Lei Shuo looked at Lu Yan with a smile and invited Lu Yan and Li Mei'er to sit down.

"I asked you to come because I want to tell you two things."

"One of them is about the invitations from the various factions.

"In every national new student exchange competition, the various large factions will rope in the participating new students. You've all performed brilliantly in the national new student exchange competition. There will definitely be factions who will rope you in.