Summoning Order

However, as they walked today, Zhao Aiguohad a strange feeling.

Nothing had happened, but he just felt that his surroundings were strange. It was completely different from when he came previously.

After walking for a while, he suddenly woke up and understood why he had this strange feeling.

Too quiet!

This section of the dirt road was too quiet. In the past, even if wild rabbits and pheasants could not be seen here, some insects could be seen flying. This was a common sight in the mountains.

But this time, despite the fact that it was spring and everything was coming back to life, he couldn't see a living creature on the dirt road.

He turned his attention to the mountain forest at the side of the dirt road. Dead silence. Not a living animal in sight.

'What is the situation?'

Was I being oversensitive?


Zhao Aiguo felt a sense of danger. There were only a few possibilities for such a deadly situation. Either there was an extremely attractive item that would attract all the creatures or a powerful poison targeted at them would poison them all to death, or…

Either way, it meant a bloodbath.

"Oh no, Xiaoyi!"

Zhao Aiguo slapped his thigh and rushed towards the small courtyard on the mountain without thinking.

If anything really happened, Lin Yi, who lived on this mountain, would definitely be in a very dangerous situation.

No wonder he didn't pick up the phone. The more Zhao Aiguo thought about it, the more afraid he became. He activated his internal energy and used his qinggong, advancing quickly like a gust of wind.

Soon, they arrived at the courtyard. At some point, the entrance was filled with plants that looked like sunflowers, but Zhao couldn't care less because the door was wide open and Lin Yi usually liked to close it.

"Xiaoyi Xiaoyi!"

Anxiety gripped Zhao Aiguo, and he shouted as he rushed toward the courtyard.

"Uncle Zhao, what's wrong?"

Lin Yi's curious voice came from the courtyard. Zhao Aiguo looked closely and saw that Lin Yi's face was rosy. He did not look injured at all. Instead, he kept fiddling with something on the ground.

"Uncle Zhao, why are you so flustered?" Seeing that Zhao Aiguo did not answer, Lin Yi asked again.

Zhao Aiguo relaxed when he saw that Lin Yi was fine. "You're fine? Didn't anything strange happen here just now?"

As he spoke, he looked around the small courtyard, trying to see something unusual.

However, the windows of the small courtyard were bright and clean. Even though the land was filled with things, they were all well taken care of.

However, there were a lot of birds on the eaves, and all of them seemed pregnant as if they had eaten too much.

"There's nothing unusual, right? It's almost the same as before." Lin Yi's eyes were filled with innocence.

"That's good, that's good." Zhao Aiguo was completely relieved. He could tell that Lin Yi seemed to be hiding something from him, but after all, he had entered a cultivation sect. It was normal for some methods to need to be kept secret.

It was just like how he wouldn't ask Lin Yi why he suddenly raised so many birds. Moreover, one or two of these birds seemed to have the might of a dire beast.

I must be too sensitive, Zhao Aiguo thought to himself.

"I'm glad you're okay. You didn't answer your phone. I thought you were in some kind of danger." Zhao Aiguo took a sip of water and sat in a chair in the small courtyard, watching Lin Yi fiddle with the things on the floor.

"Oh, I was busy just now and didn't look at my phone, so I didn't pick it up." The flapping sound was so noisy that he didn't notice his phone ringing at all.

With that, Lin Yi placed the items on the ground and turned to ask, "Uncle Zhao, why are you looking for me?"

Zhao looked at the items on the floor. Every one of them looked familiar to him. He must have seen them on the exchange list. But these items were not cheap. What was Zhu Yi buying them for?

"Did you see the summons issued by Baishan City in the Supernatural Forum?"

"A summons?" Lin Yi was confused. This was the first time he had heard of this name, let alone seen it.

Zhao could tell from Lin's reaction that he hadn't been paying attention to the news in the forum. As he opened it, he said, "Do you remember those gray rats that escaped a few days ago?"

"I remember. Just a few gray-skinned rats. A lot of people went after them, I guess."

"Yes, but the result of this was that several of the martial artists who went after them died," Zhao Aiguo said in a low voice. "They chased the gray rats all the way to a mountain, where they encountered such a scene."

With that, Zhao Aiguo clicked on a video.

In the video, there were huge rats of all kinds and colors all over the mountain. When the martial artists chasing after them rushed up the mountain, these rats that were hiding everywhere in the mountain appeared together, forming a terrifying rat tide.

All the martial artists who were covered by the rat tide quickly lost their lives. Only some martial artists who were fast and did not go too deep escaped.

And this video was recorded by one of them in a panic.

"The rat tide…"

After watching the video, Lin Yi sighed softly.

A sense of urgency rose in his heart. In the era of the recovery of spiritual energy, opportunities were everywhere. While he was improving, other people and other creatures were also improving. Once he fell behind, it was very easy for his life to be in danger.

Just like this time, if it was not an insect tide formed by ordinary insects that rushed towards the small courtyard but a rat tide formed by fierce beasts in the video, Lin Yi would definitely be eaten until not even his bones were left.

'No, we must be cautious!'

Moreover, as long as the breakthrough fruit tree still existed, this attraction would always exist. This time, it was an ordinary insect tide. Who knew what it would attract next time?

He had to think of a way to stop it immediately. Otherwise, it would be too passive.

"Xiaoyi Xiaoyi!"

"Uncle Zhao, what's wrong?" Lin Yi came back to his senses and looked at Zhao Aiguo.

Zhao was speechless. "I guess you didn't hear what I just said."

"I thought of something and got a little engrossed." Lin Yi smiled sheepishly.

"All right, I'll tell you again." Zhao Aiguo opened the summons posted in the forum. "The military and the Supernatural Supervision Bureau have taken over at the same time. Such a serious threat to social security must be eliminated immediately."

"However, considering that the higher-ups can form such a large-scale group of fierce beasts and rats, there must be rich cultivation resources in this mountain. Therefore, they decided not to use large-scale killing weapons unless absolutely necessary."

"The army will send out a battalion of troops at that time, and our Baishan City's Supernatural Supervision Bureau will also need to send out a portion of supernatural beings to assist. In the past few days, the bureau has been fighting for a spot to fight."

"And with your reputation as a cultivator, as long as you want to participate, the bureau will give you a spot. How about it? Do you want to go together?"

Zhao Aiguo looked eagerly at Lin Yi.