
"That's it? Don't worry, leave it to me," Zhao Aiguo said bluntly.

He could have done it even before he became the deputy director of the Supernatural Supervision Bureau, let alone now.

"Is that all? There's nothing else?" Zhao Aiguo asked.

Lin Yi: "…"

"No, that's all."

(Why does it seem like you're begging me to do something for you? I've been cooped up on the mountain all this time, so what would I need?)

"Alright then." Zhao Aiguo sighed regretfully.

He had taken too many things from Lin Yi and felt a little embarrassed if he didn't do anything. After all… Lin Yi wasn't his son-in-law yet.

Right, the matter of his son-in-law!

Zhao Aiguo was just about to say something when Lin Yi spoke.

"Uncle Zhao, you have to pay more attention to Wanting's safety. It's so dangerous outside. Why don't you let her cultivate quickly?"

It was best to put Wanting's cultivation on the agenda as soon as possible. Previously, he was afraid that it would delay her college entrance examination, but now that the outside world was so dangerous, it was better to cultivate as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, I've already considered what you're thinking about."

Zhao Aiguo was very gratified that Lin Yi could constantly think about his daughter's safety. This way, he wouldn't have to worry too much about handing his daughter over to Lin Yi.

"I've already started teaching the basic martial arts in the name of good health. However, I still plan to cultivate it officially after a period of time. After all, the college entrance examination is in a week. If I teach it now, I'm afraid she won't be in the mood to take the examination."

"Also, you don't have to worry about safety. Before I returned, I secretly sent a few Innate Realm martial artists to protect Wanting and Chunhua."

In the past, Zhao Aiguo wasn't able to fork out the reward for a bodyguard, so he naturally didn't think about these things. However, after becoming the deputy director, his authority increased. He didn't need points, and there were plenty of martial artists who were willing to help him. Naturally, he didn't lack bodyguards.

"In that case, I can rest assured." Lin Yi nodded. Uncle Zhao was quite reliable. His efforts to raise Uncle Zhao to the Connate Realm hadn't been in vain.

Then, he thought of something and said, "That's right, you don't have to practice martial arts. I'll help her test her talent later. If she has talent, I'll lead her on the path of cultivation."

"What?" Zhao Aiguo was overjoyed. "Your sect allows you to take in disciples? You are allowed to teach people how to cultivate?"

In the current situation, joining a cultivation sect was really the best choice. After all, the cultivation arts collected by the Supernatural Supervision Bureau were all incomplete. Even if they were all combined, they might not be able to cover all realms.

No one was willing to hand over the complete cultivation art. Of course, it was also possible that the entire world's complete cultivation art was preserved.

As for Lin Yi's sect, to be able to provide Lin Yi with so many cultivation resources and nurture him into such an outstanding spiritual plant master, no matter how one looked at it, they weren't simple.

"I can. I have a certain status in the sect now, so I can naturally teach people how to cultivate," Lin Yi said calmly.

He planned to keep talking about cultivation sects. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the source of his cultivation arts and spirit plants.

With a baseless cultivation sect as his backer, not only could he explain all the abnormal performances, but he could also make his enemies feel fear.

To be able to nurture such an outstanding newcomer who had just entered the sect, how strong was this cultivation sect? With this thought in mind, who would dare to casually provoke them?

"Then I'll wait here for a while for you to verify it. Wanting should be coming up soon." Zhao Aiguo was a little worried. Since he couldn't cultivate, he really hoped that his daughter could.

Even though it was speculated through modern research that the martial path had a future that didn't lose to the cultivator path, not only did the cultivators have long lifespans, but they also cultivated spiritual power that was a level higher than their internal strength and innate true qi from the start. This kind of innate gap required a long time for martial cultivators to bridge.

Hence, it was naturally better to walk the cultivator's path.

After they were done with their business, the two of them started chatting. Lin Yi introduced the effects of the few types of spiritual plants he had cultivated to Zhao Aiguo. While Zhao Aiguo was shocked, he also roughly explained the process of this operation.

Naturally, he skipped the part about signing the confidentiality agreement and only talked about some things that were allowed to circulate.

However, even though he spoke in a secretive manner, Lin Yi still noticed something strange. The entire mountain was filled with fierce beasts, and they were all unwilling to leave.

In such a situation, having a powerful king wasn't enough. With so many fierce beasts, food was a huge problem. The fierce beasts were stronger than ordinary beasts, so their appetites were naturally greater than ordinary beasts. Not to mention a mountain, even if the nearby mountain peaks were all added up, they wouldn't be able to provide so many fierce beasts for survival.

Unless… there was a considerable amount of high-energy food.

There was a lot of high-energy food on a mountain… and it was very likely that they would continuously regenerate. This meant that…

Lin Yi thought of several possibilities. Each possibility corresponded to precious resources.

However, he didn't regret it at all. This kind of good stuff wasn't something he could get his hands on right now. So what if he went down the mountain back then? He could only get some points and ordinary spiritual plants.

It was better to stay in the mountains and develop. This Qifeng Mountain was Lin Yi's greatest foundation.

As for the starflower seeds, under Lin Yi's strong request, Zhao Aiguo took away more than half of the starflower seeds from the starflower tree. Other than the ten starflower seeds that Lin Yi had given him as a friendly gift, the remaining 20 or so starflower seeds were purchased with points.

He had earned over 10,000 points in one go, and his empty wallet swelled up once again, making Zhao Aiguo feel envious.

Actually, he was using public funds from the Supernatural Supervision Bureau. Even though his treatment as a deputy director was quite generous, compared to 10,000 points, the difference was too great.

As for purchasing public funds, it wasn't a big deal at all. Wang Yuande had long since said that it was okay to use up all of their points as long as they bought starflower seeds.

Whether he used it or sold it, he wouldn't suffer a loss.

The two of them didn't wait long before Zhao Wanting knocked on the door with food.

Seeing the familiar figure in the house, Zhao Wanting asked in confusion, "Eh? Father, why are you at Brother Xiaoyi's house again? I remember that you were just here not long ago. Why do you come up every now and then?"

"Child!" Zhao Aiguo's old face was flushed red with embarrassment.

"Uncle Zhao came up to look for me for something." Lin Yi smiled and helped Zhao Aiguo explain. Then, he said to Zhao Wanting, "Wanling, come over for a moment. I have something to discuss with you."

"What is it?" Zhao Wanting placed the lunchbox on the table and obediently walked to Lin Yi's side.

"Don't move."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he held Zhao Wanting's fair palm with one hand and remained motionless. After that, he slowly closed his eyes.

"Ah!" "This…"

This sudden attack caused Zhao Wanting's heart to pound wildly, and she was so nervous that it almost jumped out. Her face flushed red, and she looked at her father in panic before immediately lowering her head shyly.

What was Elder Brother Xiaoyi doing? Father was still there, so why was he suddenly holding her hand?

It was as if her secret relationship had been discovered by her parents. Zhao Wanting felt both happy and nervous.