Cultivation Success

"This?" Xia Yining revealed a shocked expression.

Even though she didn't have any thoughts of breaking her oath, she didn't expect the oath her benefactor had asked her to make to be so useful.

What kind of principle was this? Could it be that there was really such a thing as a Dao heart?

Xia Yining opened her mouth, wanting to say something about her benefactor's secrets. However, she didn't expect to feel a strong sense of resistance from the depths of her heart, causing her to swallow the words in her mouth.

"Alright, you can leave now." Seeing that the Dao heart oath had been planted, Lin Yi waved his hand and started to chase him away.

"I wonder if you can tell me your name so that I can thank you in the future." Xia Yining cupped her fists.

"Go back obediently and come up with a better reason. Don't involve me and that will be the best way of thanking me."

"Yes, I understand."

Xia Yining nodded. She could tell that her benefactor didn't want to be disturbed by others.

This was the case for the older generation of cultivators. They would bury their heads in the mountains and cultivate, not wanting others to disturb them.

In Xia Yining's heart, Lin Yi's profound cultivation had already been classified as an older generation cultivator. As for his appearance, there were many cultivators who were good at maintaining their looks.

Xia Yining bid farewell and went down the mountain. She walked out of the illusion array and looked at the mist lingering at the top of the mountain. She felt that her life during this period of time was like a dream.

It was a coincidence that she was captured and saved before she died. She was originally young and impetuous, but after such tempering, her mentality had matured a lot.

She stopped in her tracks and pondered over the words in her mind before diving deep into the mountains.

A day later, at the heavily guarded border, the soldiers and martial artists saw Xia Yining, who was dressed in tattered clothes but full of vigor.

He had to deal with the corpse and the problem of the flow of spiritual energy.

Lin Yi looked at the scene in front of him and sighed.

It was really an unexpected calamity, but it wasn't without benefits. At the very least, it allowed him to discover a huge loophole in his family.

The corpses of cultivators could be used as fertilizer for spirit plants, but there was no need for that. Lin Yi didn't want to bury the corpses under his own courtyard.

Of course, the most important thing was that every spiritual plant could become fertilizer for other spiritual plants. With the ability of the green wood spirit energy, it was very easy to nurture a batch of low-grade spiritual plants. Hence, Lin Yi didn't take Long Jianan's corpse seriously at all.

"Why don't I let Little Black eat it?" Lin Yi looked at the restless Little Black beside the corpse and pondered.

Ever since the insect repellent was surrounded by the birds, Little Black was completely free. Every day, he would either lie beside the Star Origin Grass or the round fruit tree.

Lin Yi didn't let it eat the fruit, but it had absorbed an abundance of spiritual energy and its strength had also improved greatly. Its combat strength had already reached the peak of Peak Innate Realm.

Looking at its appearance, it was obvious that Long Jianan's corpse was very beneficial to it.

That was true. Flesh and blood that were rich in spiritual qi were a form of temptation to any creature.

Lin Yi smiled faintly, but he suddenly thought of something and paused.

Rich in spiritual energy… flesh and blood… seduction…

Lin Yi's eyes widened. No way?!

An idea suddenly popped up in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible it seemed.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lin Yi slapped Little Black's head away and dragged the corpse into the courtyard.

Little Black snorted aggrievedly and continued to look at Lin Yi with a longing gaze.

Naturally, Lin Yi didn't take it seriously. He continued to perfect his idea.

Ten sunflowers… extracted… flesh and blood with spiritual energy… placed…

After waiting for a moment, he gathered the essence of the other nine sunflowers, the tenth sunflower. He then twisted the large flower plate to the right, and a bloody mouth split open in the middle of the flower plate. With a single bite, he swallowed a quarter of Long Jianan's corpse.

In the next second after the flesh and blood were swallowed, the entire sunflower also changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The volume of the flower disc became larger, and the shape of a large mouth appeared in the middle and below. The main trunk expanded, and it was so thick that it seemed to be able to contain a ball. The leaves quickly decreased and condensed into four large pieces. From afar, it looked like limbs.

"Success?!" Lin Yi was overjoyed.

He really hadn't expected such a simple method of nurturing.

He had been stuck for so long, but in the end, he was stuck at the step of flesh and blood. In the ancient books that he had read, it was written that it was flesh and blood. Cultivators in the cultivation world would usually see spirit beasts, so they naturally used flesh and blood that contained spiritual qi.

As for Lin Yi, he had been trying out the meat he bought from the market.

Such a simple mistake made Lin Yi want to slap himself.

Not long after, the transformation of the carnivorous flower ended. A large flower disc species that looked like an animal but didn't look like one stood in front of Lin Yi.

The Carnivorous Flower that had completed its evolution for the first time wasn't big in size. It was only half a head tall, but its flower plate, which could be said to be its face, was the size of four basketballs. One look and one could tell that its appetite wasn't small.

In front of Lin Yi, the newborn Carnivorous Flower appeared very obedient. It gently swayed its leaves and moved its big face closer to Lin Yi, rubbing against his body non-stop.

It was as if she was acting spoiled.

"I did nurture it, but… what use does it have?" Lin Yi was happy for a moment before muttering to himself.

He only knew from Spiritual Master Qing Mu's memories that the Carnivorous Flower was something that many great cultivators fought over. However, Spiritual Master Qing Mu himself didn't know what the Carnivorous Flower could do.

It couldn't really be an insect repellent, right?

As if it understood Lin Yi's words, the Carnivorous Flower stopped what it was doing and straightened its little stem toward Lin Yi. Then, it passed the right leaf to Lin Yi's left hand, indicating for him to hold it.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, feeling a little puzzled, but he still held onto the leaves of the Carnivorous Flower.

The moment he held it, the Carnivorous Flower emitted a green light. A mysterious and complicated pattern appeared on its body and then quickly rushed into Lin Yi's mind.

Before Lin Yi could react, the pattern had already rushed into his mind.

Even though he couldn't understand what the pattern was, Lin Yi somehow understood what it meant.

(You have become the master of the carnivorous flower.)

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes. So it was a type of rune. After obtaining it, one could become the owner of the carnivorous flower.

With this rune, one could restrict the actions of the carnivorous flower and also obtain its feedback.

What feedback? Lin Yi was a little curious.

However, in an instant, he understood what feedback meant. Strange and weak energy appeared from the rune and entered his body.

As the energy circulated, his physique also increased slightly in a short period of time.

"You can actually increase my physical fitness?" Lin Yi exclaimed in surprise.

The carnivorous flower placed its two leaves on its hips like they were arms. It raised its head very high as if it was saying, "It's a small matter. These are all small matters."

"Amazing, truly amazing." Lin Yi was truly moved this time around. He gently caressed the Carnivorous Flower's large flower plate as if he was caressing a peerless treasure.

No wonder those groups of great cultivators fought over the carnivorous flowers. How could they not fight over such good stuff?

Putting aside the fact that immortal cultivators mainly cultivated qi, their bodies were the weakest link in battle. Moreover, the later one was, the stronger one's body would be. Without a good physique, one would never be able to become one of the top people in the cultivation world.