Chapter 17 I Want Daddy


Lu Menglan gritted her teeth and said, "Dean, did you make a mistake? You should fire someone else."

"Mrs. Song, I didn't make a mistake. Miss Lu is my distinguished guest. I can't let her two children be wronged and leave." The dean said in a cold and stern tone, with a serious look on his face.

Distinguished guest?

Lu Wanwan?

Lu Menglan looked at Lu Wanwan coldly, with her sharp nails piercing into her palm. A trace of hatred flashed through her eyes.

Why? She was just a bitch who could never compare with her.

"Miss Lu, why don't you come to my office?"

The dean turned to look at Lu Wanwan. His tone was gentle and respectful.

"Dean, I have something else to do today. I will visit you next time." Lu Wanwan looked at the dean of the school with her bright eyes. Her red lips were slightly raised, and her temperament was somewhat unusual.

The dean glanced at the others in the office, nodded at her with a smile, and then left.

The two arrogant teachers followed him in dejection.

"Lu Wanwan, you are really something. I said that how could your two bastards come to this school in your identity. It turns out that you have used such an improper method."

As soon as the dean left, Lu Menglan sneered without hesitation.

Indeed, although Lu Wanwan's face was ugly, her figure was good. Perhaps her bed skills were more attractive to men.


A crisp slap sounded in the office.

Covering her face, Lu Menglan looked at Lu Wanwan in disbelief.

"How dare you hit me!"

With a faint smile at the corners of Lu Wanwan's mouth, but there was no trace of a smile in her eyes, Lu Wanwan said, "If you dare to say that my son is a bastard again, I haven't had time to settle accounts with you for what you have done in the past, but you came to me first."

"It was you who shamelessly seduced a man back then. You were driven out because you were pregnant with a bastard and had a bad family style. It has nothing to do with me! Don't sling mud at me!"

Lu Menglan shouted at her and took her son away in a hurry.

Looking at her back, Lu Duoduo was lost in thought.

"Well, Duoduo, Xiaoxiao, let's go home." Hand in hand, Lu Wanwan led her children outside.

In the Song family.

When Lu Menglan came back, she saw Song Mingxu sitting on the sofa. With an aggrieved look, she ran to him, held him and cried.

"What's wrong?" Song Mingxu pushed her away slightly. When he saw Lu Menglan's swollen face, his face changed greatly. "What's going on? Who hit you? Who dares to hit you?"

"It's Lu Wanwan."

With tears in her eyes, Lu Menglan looked pitiful, which made people feel pity for her. "My son was bullied by her two bastards in the kindergarten today. I went to ask for an explanation, and she slapped me."

"How dare her!"

Song Mingxu stood up with a long face.

After all, Lu Menglan was his woman and gave birth to a son for him. How could Lu Wanwan do that!

"Honey, Lu Wanwan also said that she didn't like you at that time and that you were not good enough at all."

Hearing this, Song Mingxu's eyes were gloomy. He took out his phone and dialed a number. After knowing the specific address, he drove away.

In the hotel.

After removing the makeup, Lu Wanwan changed into comfortable home wear and sat on the sofa with two children.

"Well done today. I can promise you one thing."

She looked at the two babies with soft eyes and said in a soft voice, "No matter which one of you is bullied, the other one must stand out to protect him. You can't be bullied casually."

Xiaoxiao leaned against Lu WanWan and looked up at her, "Mommy, I want Daddy."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan was stunned.

Daddy? Where could she find that man for them?

"Xiaoxiao, this request..."

Before she could finish her words, there was a knock on the door.

The hotel's soundproofing was always good. The noise was enough to show how much strength the people outside had used.

Moreover, the voice sounded familiar.

After settling down the two children, Lu Wanwan went to open the door.

"Lu Wanwan, you bitch! You brought two..."

Song Mingxu's voice suddenly stopped, and his eyes flashed with amazement.

The woman in front of him had delicate facial features, and the end of her eyes was slightly raised, revealing infinite amorous feelings. There was a little coldness and alienation between her eyebrows. The two temperaments intertwined, which gave people a special feeling on her.

"What's up?" Lu Wanwan opened her red lips slightly and said in a cold voice.

Song Mingxu was sure that he didn't make a mistake. Then who was this woman? Was it Lu Wanwan?

Before this idea was formed in his heart, it was quickly denied by himself. How could it be possible? Lu Wanwan was just an ugly monster, how could she be so beautiful.

"I'm sorry. I'm looking for Lu Wanwan."

"She is not here." After saying that, Lu Wanwan wanted to close the door, but was stopped by the man.

With a gentle smile on his face, Song Mingxu asked, "Are you a friend of Lu Wanwan? May I know your name?"

Lu Wanwan's red lips curled into a smile. She really wanted Lu Menglan to see this scene.

"It's not convenient."

After saying these three words, she closed the door directly.

Standing at the door, Song Mingxu looked a little regretful.

As soon as he drove back to the Song family's house and entered the yard, Lu Menglan came up to him with excitement on her face.

"Honey, did you teach Lu Wanwan a good lesson?"

"Nonsense!" Song Mingxu's face darkened, "Maybe it's just a misunderstanding between these children. It's worth making a mountain out of a molehill."

The smile on Lu Menglan's face suddenly froze.

"Anyway, Lu Wanwan is your sister. Although something unpleasant happened at that time, everything can pass after so many years. Don't take it too seriously."

Noticing that his tone was not good just now, Song Mingxu added.

"I know, honey. I will apologize to her next time I see her." Said Lu Menglan.

Song Mingxu answered softly, took off his coat and went upstairs to his room.

Lu Menglan stood in the living room, with hatred in her eyes.


Why did she suddenly come back! She wouldn't let her go, absolutely not!

It was not difficult to find out the reason why Song Mingxu changed his attitude after he came back, and Lu Menglan soon knew the truth.

She knew what kind of person Song Mingxu was and turned a blind eye to what happened outside. But this time was different. The person Song Mingxu liked was a friend of Lu Wanwan, which absolutely couldn't be!

On the early morning of the second day, Lu Wanwan prepared coffee in the tea room as usual, without noticing that there was someone at the door.

Zhan Haoxuan carefully bent over the door. When he saw the busy people inside, his eyes showed a little doubt.

Why did a beautiful lady put these ugly scars on her face?

Was it because of her advertising paper?


His eyes lit up. An idea gradually came to his mind. He was indeed the smartest kid!