Chapter 20 Bastard


There was a flash of surprise in the man's black eyes.

He had thought about letting Xuanxuan go to the kindergarten before, but he never went. Why did he suddenly change his mind now?

Seeing that the man didn't say anything for a long time, Zhan Haoxuan became a little nervous.

"I promise I won't do anything bad to you in the kindergarten."

It turned out that he knew he would make trouble.

Leaning against the back chair, Zhan Yeting tapped the table with his slender index finger. "Why do you suddenly want to go to the kindergarten?"

"Of course it's because I'm still a kid and I have to go to kindergarten!"

Was it because of this reason?

The man raised his eyebrows, "I can agree to your request."

Hearing this, before Zhan Haoxuan could show an excited expression on his face, he looked at Zhan Yeting vigilantly.

No, the big devil king was not so easy-going. He must have other intentions.

"But do you know what will happen if you cause me trouble in the kindergarten?" The man's tone was full of danger.

All of a sudden, Zhan Haoxuan covered his buttocks with a bitter face.

"I won't cause any trouble!"

"That's good."

After having bullied his son enough, Zhan Yeting called his assistant and asked him to arrange the admission of Zhan Haoxuan.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, at the gate of the kindergarten.

Lu Wanwan got out of the car and saw the man not far away.

Her ex-fiancé, Song Xuming.

"How could it be you?"

At the sight of Lu Wanwan, Song Xuming showed a look of disgust.

"Mr. Song, this is a public place. What's more, my child is studying inside. Is this place yours?" Lu Wanwan retorted without hesitation.

Anger rose in Song Xuming's heart. He pointed at Lu Wanwan and said, "Lu Wanwan! Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to me like that!"

The reason why he came to pick up the child today was that he wanted to see the woman on that day again.

Unexpectedly, it was Lu Wanwan who came to pick up the child today.

What bad luck!

The Lu Duoduo and Lu Xiaoxiao were sent out hand in hand by the teacher. When they saw that Lu Wanwan was facing an unfamiliar man, they were curious.


As soon as Song Ruiqi saw Song Xuming, he trotted over and tightly held Song Xuming's thighs.

"They bullied me! They made my mother cry last time!"

With Song Xuming's presence, Song Ruiqi complained without hesitation and glanced at the couple complacently.

His father was here. They were over!

"You are really a mean person. Even the children you taught are of the same character." Song Xuming glanced at the two children in disgust.

Was this the bastard born by Lu Wanwan? They were so annoying.

Noticing his eyes, Lu Wanwan's eyes turned cold.

"Mr. Song, you'd better watch your mouth. My two children have nothing to do with this."

"They are just bastards. Why do you protect them so much? After so many years, have you found the father of the children?" Song Xuming said in a low voice with an evil look in his eyes.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoxiao was not convinced and wanted to go forward, but her arm was grabbed by Luo Duoduo.

"Don't make trouble for Mommy." Luo Duoduo said in a low voice.

There were plenty of opportunities for them to settle accounts, so they didn't have to be in a hurry.

Lu Xiaoxiao held her breath and thought, they are so beautiful. When did someone say that?!

"Are you dumb?"

A man's voice came, and they were all stunned. Lu Wanwan turned around in an instant and found that ZhanYeting was standing a few steps away with his arms crossed. She didn't know how long he had watched the good play here.

"You used to be very eloquent in front of me. Why can't you say a word when you are bullied now?"

"Mr. Zhan, why are you here?" Said Lu Winn.

Glancing at her, Zhan Yeting said coldly, "I came here to choose a school for my son. You gave me a surprise."

It turned out that her secretary had two children.

Lu Wanwan didn't say anything but pulled the two kids to her side.

Standing aside, Song Xuming's expression changed again and again.

How could Lu Wanwan know Mr. Zhan? And judging from the interaction between the two, it seemed that they had a good relationship.

"Mr. Zhan, there might be some misunderstanding. I was just kidding with Wanwan."

Song Xuming stepped forward and explained with a smile.

"Are you kidding me?" Zhan Yeting snorted, "How about I make such a joke with you? I heard that you haven't married anyone yet. Your son is also a bastard?"

After saying that, Song Xuming's face changed slightly.

How could his son compare with the two bastards of Lu Wanwan, that bitch.

"Mr. Zhan, this Lu Wanwan was my fiancée before. Before we got married, she was pregnant with someone's child. She is so mean. You can't believe her words casually."

"It she mean because she didn't let you be the father of the child?" Said Zhan Yeting.

As far as he knew, Song Xuming had a lot of women outside. Although Song Ruiqi was the only son outside, it was not impossible to find out more if he continued to investigate carefully.

As for Lu Wanwan, he didn't know her for a long time. But from what she dealt with in daily life, it seemed that it was not as simple as what Song Xuming said.

He had already known who he should trust.

"Mr. Zhan, I'm sorry. It's my business. I'm sorry to trouble you." Said Lu Wanwan.

Even if Zhan Yeting didn't show up just now, she could still make Song Xuming suffer a great loss. But now he helped her, and she owed him a favor.

With a serious look on his face, Lu Duoduo recognized that he was the man on the advertisement paper.

She had a vague guess that this man might be their cheap father.

He had such a guess when he saw it on the advertising paper, and now he felt the same when he saw the real person.

His face bore a perceptible resemblance to this man.

But he didn't have any evidence. He couldn't tell her now. He had to find out the truth.

"You are my secretary. Don't embarrass me."

After saying that, he left.

Of course, Song Xuming had heard what he said. With his support, Song Xuming had to consider his identity even if he wanted to do something in the future.

"I didn't expect that she would be able to climb up to the Zhan Yeting,"

Song Xuming gnashed his teeth and looked at Lu Wanwan. He underestimated this woman.

Staring at him indifferently, Lu Wanwan said, "I have said something to Lu Menglan before, but it doesn't hinder me from warning you now. Let me hear the word 'bastard' from you again. I can guarantee that your life will not be so easy."

It was not difficult for the stock of the Song Group to change a little.

When he looked into Lu Wanwan's eyes, Song Xuming's heart skipped a beat. Panic flashed through his eyes.

What was going on?

Why did he feel that Lu Wanwan was terrible just now?

Back then, Lu Wanwan was driven out of the Lu family in a mess by him. Now she was just a person, and even the Lu family was not her backer. Why should he be afraid of her?