Chapter 54 True Face

"Mr. Zhan, you have to believe my taste. Miss Lu is very suitable for a strapless dress. Her figure is so good, and it's just right."

Wu Rui's words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of Zhan Yeting.

"She went to the wedding banquet with me, not to show something."

As soon as he said that, Wu Rui immediately retorted, "Mr. Zhan, you're wrong. Girls love beauty. Besides..."

Before she could finish her words, Zhan Yeting had already started to urge Lu Wanwan.

"Come with me."

Wu Rui shook his head helplessly and whispered to Lu Wanwan, "Don't mind what Mr. Zhan said. He is just not sensible."

When they arrived at the banquet, looking at the bare shoulders of Lu Wanwan, he finally couldn't help but take off his coat and put it on her.

"It's cold at night. Don't catch a cold."

Then, he walked toward the banquet hall.

Looking at her coat, Lu Wanwan was shocked and hurried to follow him.

As soon as she entered, everyone's eyes fell on her.