Chapter 117 The Hidden Information

"Mr. Zhan, are you going to purchase this company?"

Lu Wanwan pushed the document in front of him.

It was a medicine company. The Zhan group had been involved in all kinds of industries, but they hadn't entered the medicine company.

It wasn't that she didn't believe in his ability, but that she was very clear about the dark side of this company.

"Is there any problem?"

Glancing at the document, Zhan Yeting was very impatient.

"Mr. Zhan, don't you want to investigate the background? The Ting Yang group had fallen into the rumor of fake medicine in the past three years ago. Although they have suppressed the news and can't even find some news about it, its reputation among the elites in the industry has collapsed. If we acquire this company, we will have endless trouble in the future. I'm afraid no one dares to cooperate."

Hearing what Lu Wanwan said, Zhan Yeting stopped his work.

He had investigated this company, and he knew about the fake drugs.