Chapter 127 Enemies or Teammates

"Miss Gao, what are you going to do?"

Lu Menglan looked at Gao Ning with interest, waiting for her to tell her the next plan.

Gao Ning raised her glass and clinked it with Lu Menglan's.

"You and Lu Wanwan grew up together. I'd like to know what your opinions are."

Gao Ning looked very patient, waiting for Lu Menglan to speak.

Lu Menglan became vigilant at once. She didn't know why, but she always felt that the person in front of her was not that simple. If there was an accident in the future, she was afraid that she would be betrayed.

"Miss Gao, why do you think I will cooperate with you?"

Lu Menglan shook the glass unhurriedly. Seeing the liquid in the glass trembling slightly, she became calmer.

However, Gao Ning smiled and said, "Miss Lu, do you need me to tell you everything you have done before?"

Lu Menglan couldn't help but lost in thought. It seemed that Gao Ning had already investigated her. Now she couldn't refuse to cooperate with her.