Chapter 172 Ye Qiu

Standing at the door of the private room, Lu Guofeng took a deep breath and pulled his collar.

Whether he would succeed or fail depends on today.

If he succeeded, the Lu family would have a chance to turn the tables. If he lost, Lu Guofeng didn't dare to think further.

When he pushed the door open, there was only a person who looked like a secretary in the room. Seeing him come in, she said, "Mr. Lu, please sit down and wait for a moment. Our Mr. Ye is hindered by something. I guess you will have to wait for a while."

Hearing this, Lu Guofeng had no reason to object. He quickly waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter. Mr. Ye is busy every day. I should have waited for a while."

But Lu Guofeng didn't expect that he waited for three hours.

From seven o'clock to ten o'clock in the evening, Mr.Ye hadn't come yet.

Lu Guofeng couldn't wait any longer, so he called the secretary anxiously, but got the news that Mr. Ye couldn't come today.