Chapter 183 Had Been Drugged

Lu Wanwan almost lost her consciousness. Her breath became heavy. She could only lean in the arms of Zhan Yeting and wrinkled his well-tailored shirt.

Taking off his coat and covering it on Lu Wanwan, he picked her up and said to Song Xuming, "You'd better pray that she is fine, or the whole Song family will be implicated because of your mistake."

After saying that, without giving Song Xuming another look, he turned around and left with Lu Wanwan in his arms.

Song Xuming, who stayed where he was, was stunned when he saw the back of Zhan Yeting.

He had never expected that Lu Wanwan belongs to Zhan Yeting.

A sense of panic suddenly emerged in Song Xuming's heart. He felt that the Song family might get involved because of him this time.

Simultaneously, Zhan Yeting was not in the mood to care about Song Xuming's thoughts. He strode back to his car with Lu Wanwan in his arms.