Chapter 185 Counterattack

Is the president of the Zhan group a big deal?

She quit.

However, when Zhan Yeting heard her words, he burst into laughter.

He let go of Lu Wanwan, who quickly got up from his arms, sat on the other side of the bed, and looked at him warily.

Lu Wanwan noticed that she had changed into a new pajama. Although the man's pajama looked big enough to hold two of her, the clothes that could cover her body greatly alleviated her embarrassment now.

Of course, he wouldn't call the police.

"Well, I was just kidding."

"I believe that with your cleverness, you can guess my love to you."

With his deep eyes, Zhan Yeting looked at Lu Wanwan as if he could see through everything.

"I won't say anything about what happened last night, whether you take it as an accident or take advantage of it."

"What I want to tell you now is that I formally pursue you, Lu Wanwan."

Hearing that, Lu Wanwan's face turned red.

She didn't expect that things would end up like this.