Chapter 194 A Huge Building Was About to Collapse

Only then did he regret why he took it for granted that there was no problem with the project when he signed the contract. He was sure to hand over the goods.

It was not until now that he realized he was shooting himself in the foot.

After all, Lu Guofeng had been in the business world for decades and had seen a lot of ups and downs. He began to think of a solution after desperation.

He asked his secretary to go to the market and purchase the finished and semi-finished products involved in this project. Anyway, what he needed to do now was to minimize the loss.

Lu Guofeng didn't expect to turn the tables with this project at all. The only hope now was not to let the Lu group go bankrupt because of this project.

The news from the secretary was still fast, but it was not good news to make Lu Guofeng happy, but bad news.