Chapter 203 Hidden Trouble

Hearing this, Wu Muqing's expression immediately changed. She quickly asked, "Hidden trouble? What kind of hidden trouble?"

Then she frowned and asked, "Did you do something wrong to Lu Wanwan outside?"

Wu Muqing's expression became dangerous as if she would be rude to him as long as he gave her a bad answer.

Even if Zhan Yeting was her son, he couldn't do that.

Fortunately, Zhan Yeting immediately explained, "Mom, what are you thinking about? I didn't betray Wanwan. It's about Zhan Haoxuan."

Speaking of Zhan Haoxuan, Wu Muqing's eyebrows twitched.

"So Xuanxuan's mother has been found? Is She threatening you now?"

At that time, the sudden appearance of this grandson made her confused for a while.

The Zhan family tried their best to look for her, but she seemed to have disappeared from the world and had no news at all. They could only know that she was in Sea City.

And part of the reason why he came to Sea City was because of that woman.