Chapter 216 Back to Jin City

The matter of Sea City had been generally solved. After accompanying the three children for Children's Day, Zhan Yeting and Lu Wanwan took the three children back to Jin City.

Zhan Yeting kept a low profile in Sea City, Lu Wanwan had never personally felt the real financial resources of the Zhan family.

It was not until she saw the main house of the Zhan family that Lu Wanwan truly felt what a big family called heritage was.

The whole house covered an area of at least ten thousand acres. They drove in from the front door, and two rows of guards stood neatly beside them, escorting them to the place with buildings.

Looking out of the window at the solemn faces of the security guards, Lu Wanwan was still in a daze. Suddenly, Xiaoxiao beside her said, "There are many big dogs over there!"

It was not until then that Lu Wanwan turned her attention to the bushes beside her and found that they were densely packed with green light, which were the eyes of the Tibetan Mastiff.