Chapter 225 The Familiar Taste

Then she passed away. Sometimes when he missed her, he would ask a servant to make some desserts, but he couldn't find that taste anymore.

With a thought, Grandfather Zhan took a bite of the cake and his expression changed.

He didn't expect that after so many years, he could still eat desserts that were seven or eight percent similar to the cakes made by his wife.

The familiar taste made Grandfather Zhan feel mixed feelings, but he didn't show it on his face. He just ate it silently.

Seeing that Grandfather Zhan ate so fast, a surprised look appeared on Lu Wanwan's face. She asked again, "Grandpa, do you want another one? I have cooked too much."

However, Grandfather Zhan shook his head and asked casually, "Who taught you how to make cakes?"

Although she didn't know why Grandfather Zhan suddenly asked this question, Lu Wanwan still truthfully said, "My mother taught me that. She also likes to make cakes."

When Lu Wanwan was very young, Lu Guofeng completely ignored her mother.