Chapter 260 Qin Shuo

The interview in the afternoon was almost the same as that in the morning.

Interviewees were all stereotyped and polished by the market. Some of them began to play the sentiment card when they saw that Lu Wanwan was not interested in them. They said that the reason why they took up this industry was because of her. Such a saying had no other effect except for making Lu Wanwan speechless.

Lu Wanwan had already forgotten the person she read the resume to at noon. She was very upset and began to think that if she would run a studio alone in the future, she should be careful when receiving orders.

At this time, ICE called the next interviewer in. Lu Wanwan also retracted her thoughts and looked up at the door.

At this sight, she raised her eyebrows.

This person had an extremely outstanding appearance. In fact, in the jewelry design industry, in addition to their works, most designers would also pay attention to their appearance.