Chapter 288 The Plan Failed

Of course, this was what Su Ziwu was afraid of. She could not say no at all and could only watch He Lin turn around and left.

A look of pity appeared on Qin Shuo's face, "What should we do, Miss Su? Things seem to be a little different from what you think."

A hint of resentment flashed through Su Ziwu's eyes, but she could do nothing about it. She could only comfort herself that there was still Zhan Yeting in another room.

Seeing that Su Ziwu didn't say anything, Qin Shuo continued to remind her, "Miss Su, although this matter has not been successful, I have tried my best. This thing failed because of He Lin, so you can't lose my reward."

Hearing this, Su Ziwu became more impatient, "I know. You should go now."

If people who knew Qin Shuo saw him talking with her here later, there was nothing she could do to explain herself clearly.