Chapter 301 Change

Realizing what He Yiming meant, Lu Wanwan agreed without hesitation. Then she remembered He Xiaowan and asked, "By the way, Mr. He, you have been living outside these days. Why don't you bring He Xiaowan out? I heard from him that Qin Yi and Fan Ji are not good to him."

Speaking of this, He Yiming looked helpless.

"It took me some effort to get out."

He felt that something was going to happen at home, so he wanted to leave for the time being. But if he took He Xiaowan with him, it would easily attracted the attention of Qin Yi and Fan Ji. At last, he could only leave He Xiaowan with the He family for the time being.

After all, the servants of the He family had watched He Xiaowan grow up little by little. They couldn't let Qin Yi and Fan Ji bully him.

"I will go back as soon as possible and find a way to get him out."

However, when Lu Wanwan heard this, a smile appeared on her face, and said, "Well, that's unnecessary."