Chapter 363 Double Image

Lu Wanwan tried to open her eyes and look up, only to find that the person in front of her had become a double image. She could only vaguely feel that the person in front of her had squatted down and raised her face and said, "Tut-tut, no wonder you can fascinate Zhan Yeting, your appearance is really good."

Although Lu Wanwan's consciousness was almost blurred, she could still feel the malice of this stranger in front of her.

She pushed the person out hard and said, "Get out!"

Lu Wanwan struggled to stand up, but she couldn't.

Apparently, her action irritated the man in front of her.

He grabbed Lu Wanwan's neck fiercely and said, "Do you want to die?"

As he spoke, he slowly tightened his grip.

The air entering her chest became less and less, and it was more and more difficult for Lu Wanwan to breathe.

Because of the lack of oxygen, her face was slowly turning blue. Just when she felt that she was about to die, the person beside her suddenly loosened his hand.