Chapter 365 Mistake

Zhan Yeting held Lu Wanwan to the bed and wanted to get her some water, but the woman on the bed pulled the corner of his clothes and didn't let him leave.

Taking a deep breath, Zhan Yeting said, "I'm going to pour you a glass of water. Can you lie here for a while?"

The woman on the bed finally opened her eyes, but there was a look of grievance in her eyes.

"I feel bad..."

That scorching feeling swept over Lu Wanwan again, which made her feel as uncomfortable as claws scratching her heart, and she wanted a channel to vent it.

So at this moment, she was not willing to see Zhan Yeting leave.

Lu Wanwan curled her lips, dissatisfied with Zhan Yeting just standing by the bed, then she suddenly yanked him.

Zhan Yeting didn't expect Lu Wanwan would suddenly make such a move. He didn't notice it for a while, and it worked. He fell on the bed.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan took the opportunity to lean over Zhan Yeting and touched his body like a hooligan.