Chapter 378 Desperate Situation

Not to mention whether this stab would cause any irreparable harm to Zhan Yeting, just as Liang Yu said, this was only the first step.

Even if Zhan Yeting really did this, Liang Yu would surely ask for more after that.

Liang Yu's purpose was simple. He wanted Zhan Yeting to die.

Lu Wanwan clearly knew this, so she had to stop Zhan Yeting and hoped that he wouldn't do anything stupid.

However, Zhan Yeting did not hesitate. He took the dagger thrown by Liang Yu and stabbed himself in the belly without hesitation.

Bright red blood gushed out from the wound at once. Pulling out the dagger, Zhan Yeting staggered but immediately stood straight. Looking at Liang Yu in front of him, he asked, "Can you let go of Wanwan?"

Liang Yu's face showed a look of astonishment.

He didn't expect that Zhan Yeting was really willing to do that.

Zhan Yeting didn't lie. He was willing to trade his life for Lu Wanwan's life.