Chapter 380 Couldn't Accept It

After dealing with those irrelevant people and wretched businesses in the past, the He family finally became what a family should look like.

Who knew that things would turn out like this?

No one could accept it.

He Lin and He Yiming didn't say where to go. The driver sensitively sensed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the car, so he didn't dare to ask.

After a while, He Lin seemed to have made up his mind and said, "Go to the bottom of that cliff to have a look."

Hearing this, a surprised look appeared in He Yiming's eyes, but he heard He Lin say, "Anyway, I can't rest assured until I look for it myself."

"Besides, maybe Wanwan is there waiting for us to pick her up."

He Lin's words almost made He Yiming cry.

He naturally cared about Lu Wanwan and hoped more than anyone that she had never encountered such things.