Chapter 409 It's All Over

There was a look of pain and even a bit of regret in Zhan Yeting's eyes.

He didn't know what had happened to Lu Wanwan in a place he couldn't see. Why did she become like this? She didn't even dare to find her memory back.

He wanted to protect her under his wing, but things were gradually out of his control.

He was the CEO of the Zhan Group. He was a man with huge power in Jin City. At this time, when he held Lu Wanwan in his arms, he only had a deep sense of powerlessness. He could only use some meaningless words to comfort the woman in his arms.

After a long time, Lu Wanwan calmed down. Her face turned a little red. She looked up at the wrinkled shirt on Zhan Yeting's chest and said, "I'm sorry."

Zhan Yeting shook his head and looked at her with a gentle expression. "It doesn't matter. Are you feeling better now?"

Lu Wanwan nodded, "I didn't know why I had a nightmare just now."