Chapter 432 A Plot

"Look at yourself in the mirror. Everyone knows that you have tried so hard to seduce Mr. Zhan before, but he didn't look at you at all. Now you still want to stick to him. How dare you say that Lu Wanwan? She is the dignified daughter of the He clan and an internationally famous jewelry designer. Look at you. Is there a place on your body that matches the jewelry designed by her?"

Every word this woman said directly pointed to the most painful part of Wang Yi.

She had begged a suitor for a long time, asking him to buy a necklace designed by Lu Wanwan.

As a result, the man was willing to pay the money. But unfortunately, Lu Wanwan was not willing to sell it to her anyway.

She couldn't say anything to refute the mockery, so she had to snort coldly, turn around and leave.

After she left, she pretended not to hear what others said about her.