Chapter 10 Golden Legend

'These robbers have gone too far in bullying others. They even bullied the Count Kano mansion. But since they are here, then don't leave!'

Thinking of this, Leon felt a terrible wave of blood vitality all over his body. At the same time, he took back all the spirit power he had released.

The next moment, Leon had turned into a shadow. Before the people who rushed into the count bedroom could react, he cut them off.

Even if he didn't have any weapon in his hand, Leon's body was the most powerful weapon at the moment!

"Don't kill me, ah..."

"Help, help..."

"I was wrong. I won't do that again!"

No matter how these people begged for help or mercy, Leon didn't show any mercy.

The captain of guards died with his eyes opening wide, his head slowly sliding down from his neck.

He defeated the triangle with a few punches and kicks, but there was no fluctuation in Leon's heart.

This time, he made a breakthrough in practice successfully to reach the grade of the count. He was no longer on the same level as these minions, so there was no need to be happy for such a small matter.

"However, I have killed so many people from the castle of Macedon. I have completely offended them. It's better to strike first than wait for them to come to make trouble for me!"

"Kill this despicable royal member!"

After cleaning up the battlefield, Leon cleaned the memories of the surviving servants before leaving the castle.

Let them forget what they just saw to hide his secrets.

He hadn't forgotten to sign in today.

"Ding -- sign in successfully. Count Kano's bedroom, congratulations for obtaining a golden legend, a seven-level divine weapon, the God of death sickle!"

The sickle of death?

Isn't it the stuff in the online game novel?

Leon frowned slightly. But as soon as the system finished speaking, a strange and terrible energy wave came from behind Leon.

When he turned around, Leon immediately saw a black figure floating slowly in front of him.

"Is this a seven-level divine weapon? I'm really powerful. With this kind of help, I will definitely be able to defeat Count Macedon!"

Leon learned about weapons from the study room of Count Kano.

Weapons in this world were divided into 9 levels. The highest-level weapons were called divine weapons.

No one knew how many divine weapons existed in this world, but there was no doubt that every divine weapon had the ability to move mountains and fill the sea.

However, the more powerful a weapon was, the more powerful its owner should have in order to unleash its full strength.

The sickle of death could be used as a divine weapon to meet Leon's current needs for weapons.

"Count Macedon, wash your neck and wait for death!"

On this dark and windy night, the guards patrolling the Macedon castle did not find anything unusual.

But not long ago, Lord Count ordered them to strengthen their patrols!

But when they didn't find any trace, from outside to inside, the guards fell down one after another, like fallen wheat.

All of his life energy was absorbed by the sickle of death!

Under the moonlight, the sickle of death seemed to be able to completely absorb the moonlight.

With the ability to count, Leon finally arrived at the center of the Macedon castle effortlessly.

After getting rid of the two guards at the level of baron, he kicked open the gate of the castle.

On a magnificent throne not far away sat a man in a black dress and in an elegant posture who was tasting good wine.

"As a noble Blood Clan, you need to care about your appearance all the time. Your behavior is too barbaric, not worthy of the elegance of our Blood Clan!"

The one who spoke was Count Macedon. He didn't seem to be panic at all about Leon's arrival, which was expected by him.

"Humph, it's just some formalities. You are even a hypocrite in the coat of a gentleman!"

Leon said with disdain.

"Ha ha ha, you're right. I know all the adults above Count Lesvia. I admit that you are very courageous, and I also appreciate your courage!"

"Why don't you consider being my personal guard? I can pretend nothing happened tonight."

Looking at the bright red wine in the glass, Macedon seemed to completely control Leon.

But Leon didn't have the time to argue with him.

"Cut the crap. I came here today to kill you."

"And you have seen my face. I can't let you continue to live. Go to hell!"

"Whether it's the most ordinary servant in the Count Kano's mansion, the butler Drew, or the human who died because of you in Payne Town, you have to pay for their death!"

After saying that, Leon suddenly disappeared.

A dark crack appeared in the air.

A crack appeared on the ornate throne. Count Macedon, who had just sat on it, had left his original position.

Then, the throne exploded with a loud bang, turning into debris on the ground.

"Among the counts, your strength is indeed one of the best, but unfortunately, you may have forgotten one thing, I am the royal bloodline!"

"I don't care what kind of royal bloodline you have. I'll kill you today!"

The two of them continued to fight. Perhaps they had already experienced the power of the death sickle.

Count Macedon was too careful.

After a collision, the count still staggered backward with a long face.

he looked at his left leg. The skin on it was broken, and the delicate trouser leg had been completely exploded, revealing the flesh inside.

"Well, well, well, you have completely infuriated me!"

"Next, I'll let you see what the real strength of the royal family is! You deserve to die!"

The sleeves of Count Macedon began to flutter. Suddenly, a strong red light burst out from his eyes and soared into the sky.

The space behind count also began to become chaotic.

Leon, who was standing not far away, could clearly feel some fluctuations in the space.

He frowned slightly and said lightly.

"Are you finally willing to use your super ability?"

"Ha-ha, come down, Ghost Legion!"

"Brat, there has never been an opponent of the same level who can survive in front of my Ghost Legion. You should feel honored to be killed by the Ghost Legion. Go to see the ancestor of Lilith!"