Chapter 13 Reno auction

Most of the time, a few simple words were more than a thousand words, and could even have a very good effect.

Obviously, Musk trusted Leon very much. Without asking for the deposit, he took Leon to buy the blood pool.

They came to the heavily guarded underground and went deep.

But when Leon saw the blood pool, he still frowned.

Leon could feel that the blood pool in front of him was totally different from the one in Count Kano's bedroom!

They couldn't even compare.

Or to use a word to describe it, it was rubbish!

What would Musk think if he knew that his collection of high-end goods was called rubbish by Leon?

"No, the quality is still a little low. Do you have any better ones? You don't need to care how much it costs. You just need to take me to see the top-level blood pool!"

Leon said indifferently, but Musk shook his head in embarrassment.

"Why do you want such a top-level blood pool?"

He was also confused. Leon was only at the level of the baron.

Under Leon's intentional cover of cultivation, no one could know Leon's real strength.

"This is for Count Kano. Just do it."

"I see."

Musk suddenly understood everything. Count Kano has lost a leg in the war at the front line, and he was also seriously injured in vitality. It was very reasonable to buy a top-level blood pool to recuperate his body.

"But this is the best blood pool in our trading shop. The one you want is not sold at a market price."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Musk tried to organize his words.

"Most of the top-level blood pools are sold through an auction. It's the way that many royal members get the blood pools."

"If you want, you can take enough money to attend the auction hosted by the Reno family. Maybe you can get something!"

"Most of the top-level blood pools in and around the Lesvia city are coming out of the auction!"

I see.

Leon thought to himself that he knew too little about the world.

In the evening, Leon arrived at the Reno auction in the center of Lesvia according to Musk's instructions.

This was also the top auction in the surrounding area.

Most of the good things could be found here.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please show me your invitation, or you won't be able to enter the auction!"

The guard stopped Leon.

"I'm butler from Count Kano manor,"

Leon said as he handed the badge to the guard.

After the examination, the guard bowed respectfully to Leon.

"Come in, please!"

"Distinguished guest, you can raise the price freely at our auction. Even if you want to raise the price by one gold coin, you can do it!"

"The auction is about to begin. If you need anything, you can come to me at any time!"

The young girl introduced the rules of the auction to Leon and secretly winked at Leon.

Although Count Kano had declined, the title was still there. As a butler, Leon deserved many ordinary people's flattery.

But Leon was not in the mood. The most important thing was to find the most suitable blood pool.

Strength was the foundation of everything.

"Welcome to the Reno auction. Let's start the first auction directly!"

"This is a third-level diabolic weapon. The starting price is 500 gold coins!"

"600 gold coins!"

"800 gold coins!"

The weapon was finally sold at a price of 2000 gold coins.

Although it was not very strong, it was very suitable for some beginners and was popular.

The second one was a collection, which was obviously more popular among the present aristocrats.

In the end, it was sold at a sky-high price of 10 thousand gold coins!

As the auction went on, Leon was amazed at how rich these people were.

A gold coin was an astronomical number for ordinary people.

Each of these guys might have a deposit of at least tens of thousands.

"Next, we are going to auction what we need every day, the blood pool."

"As the top blood pool, the starting price is 10 thousand gold coins!"

'Wow, it's really a daily necessity. The starting price has reached the transaction price of the collection just now!'

"11,000 gold coins!"

"12,000 gold coins!"

"12,500 gold coins!"

The price was still rising.

Leon didn't bid directly but observed the competitors in secret.

There were about a dozen count-level aristocrats constantly striving for it.

A few minutes later, the price had increased a few times and reached 50 thousand gold coins!

He checked his account balance: 75000 gold coins!

This was the limit that he could use.

"65,000 gold coins!"

"70,000 gold coins!"

One of the counts raised the price by 5,000 gold coins, which left him alone.

"70 thousand gold coins once, 70 thousand gold coins two times!"

"75,000 gold coins!"

At this time, Leon finally made a move and went straight to the five-card stud.

He put all his property into it.

The reason why Leon did so was that he had just passed the test of spirit power and noticed that the count offered 70 thousand gold coins at last had already regretted his recklessness after bidding.

So Leon believed that if he increased the price greatly this time, it would completely shatter the other party's competitive heart.

As expected, no one would compete with Leon again. Although he had spent all his property to win the top blood pool.

Leon had never been stingy on practice!

After taking a picture of what she needed, Leon had no interest in staying here anymore.

Anyway, all the money had been used up, and the rest of the things had nothing to do with him. He'd better go back and enjoy the blood pool he just bought.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Butler."

When he was about to get in the carriage and leave, a woman came to Leon carefully with a box in her hand.

"This should be the first time you come to our auction. You don't know one of our rules. This is a gift for you from the auction. Please accept it!"