Chapter 19 Leon's Love Story

"Damn it! What's going on? Even Count Gerald failed. If it were any other girl, she would have agreed without hesitation!"

"Yes, but I don't know why, although Miss Kieron refused Count Gerald, her status in my heart has risen a lot!"

Not far away, Count Gerald left awkwardly and returned to his subordinate with a gloomy face.

"What a bitch! Don't pretend to be pure there. When you sleep with a man in the future, I don't know what kind of lewd look you will have. Pretend to be pure here for me!"

"Humph, sooner or later, I will press you on my bed and ravage you. Then you know what you should do as a woman!"

His servants echoed.

"Yeah, yeah, this little bitch is really ungrateful!"

At this time, Leon and Count Kano also came to the ball hall. They were sitting in the distance and looking at Kieron Page, who was also in another corner.

The princess seemed to be quarreling with the maid beside her.

"I want to go home!"

"Your Highness, we can't disobey Mester's order. We can't leave until the ball is over!"

"I don't want to listen to you. I want to go home. The ball is so boring. I want to read my novel!"

"Well, your highness, please listen to us. Don't you like love? Then you should attend such a ball."

"You don't even get in touch with the young men of Blood Clan. You don't even have a man by your side. How could there be love?"

After hearing what the manager said, she was a little stunned and found that she was speechless.


Although she pretended to be reluctant, it was obviously not a good thing to sit here all the time and it was too boring.

Finally, she decided to try her luck at the ball to see if she could meet an interesting person.

"Leon, Leon, look! She is coming!"

Leon rolled his eyes at the excited count.

Why are you so stubborn like a star chaser?

She is your daughter. There is no need to feel embarrassed!


While strolling, she seemed to feel something. She turned around and saw Leon and the old count two sitting in the corner.

Mr. Count felt his heart stop beating.

"What happened? Why are you so weak?"

Kieron asked in confusion.

Most of the people who came to the ball were young people, but Count Kano seemed to be a complete freak.

He was weak as if he would die at any time.

"Mr. Count took part in the war not long ago. He was seriously injured on the battlefield and lost a lot of life energy, so he is so weak!"

As soon as Leon finished his words, Kieron ordered the maid beside her.

"Go and get a comfortable chair for him. He has gone to the battlefield and made great contributions to our country. How can he be treated like this?"

"Yes, your highness!"

Sitting on the chair given by her daughter, Count Kano was too excited to speak.

Leon looked at the old man next to him with disappointment.

I'm not taking you here just to make you excited. Say something!

Seeing the old count sitting comfortably, Kieron also got a chair and sat down as if she was tired.

"Since you are an old man, you must have a rich life experience, right?"

"I really want to know if you have experienced anything interesting over the years. I like those fascinating love stories very much."

"Sir, can you share one or two of them with me?"

"Ah, this..."

Count Kano immediately turned to Leon for help.

He did have a love story to share with her, but the woman in front of him was his daughter.

Count Kano was very worried. With her cleverness, she might have guessed something.

"I have a good story here. If you think highly of me..."

When Count Kano was at a loss, a gentle and magnetic voice came from the side.

The two of them looked at Leon at the same time.

One of them was surprised, and the other was relieved.

"Well, you have a good story. Tell me quickly. If it sounds good, I can reward you!"

"Thank you for your approval, Miss Kieron!"

Leon smiled and began to tell the story he had prepared.

However, some onlookers around them sniffed at Leon's behavior.

"Humph! How arrogant you are! How dare you tell stories to your highness? Your highness must have heard more stories than this boy!"

"That's right. I don't know how many people are trapped in telling stories. I think this boy just wants to take this opportunity to have a few words with your highness. He will be driven away by your highness soon!"

"You are just a clown who makes a scene to please the public!"

On the other side, the story had already started with Leon.

"This is a story about a fairy in heaven and a poor scholar on the ground."

"According to the rules of the court of heaven, no love is allowed, let alone the love between human and immortal. Finally, the court of heaven sent an emissary to the day when the scholar went out."

"He took the fairy away by force. The fairy was afraid that the scholar would be hurt by these people, so she didn't resist."

"When he came back home, he only saw a short note left by the fairy. He understood her, but he could only roar unwillingly!"

The story was about to come to an end. In the beginning, the little princess was waiting for the story happily. At this moment, she was constantly wiping her eyes and the tears at the corners of her eyes.

"Why did those gods break them up so heartlessly? How happy were they when they were together? Why did it end up like this?"

Leon had come to an end. The scholar and the fairy could only meet for a short time on July 7th every year.

The story finally came to an end. The optimistic little princess, Kieron Page, had cried her heart out.

Leon said meaningfully.

"Don't you want to hear a good love story? Compared with comedy, tragedy is often more popular and can even be engraved into a person's soul, isn't it?"