Chapter 45 Tease

Among the ruins of a city, Anderson and Alpha two stood at the highest point of the city, overlooking the ruins under their feet, with complacent expressions on their faces.

"Our ancestor is indeed invincible in the world. Now, with the huge Blood Clan, the seven great clans have long existed in name only, leaving the Tora clan and our old opponent, the Kieron clan!"

"As long as we destroy their two families, Blood Clan will face an unprecedented unified situation, which will be a new history and structure!"

Hearing Anderson's flattery, Alpha laughed wildly.

However, at this moment, a soldier suddenly ran over from afar.

"Sir, our scouts have detected the movements of the troops of the Kieron clan a hundred miles away from the city. They seem to be heading here!"

As if to confirm the soldier's words, he had just finished his words.