Chapter 171 Entering the Forbidden Area

Looking at the sky and the earth, Leon felt more and more uneasy. How he wished he could turn around and leave this land.

But Leon couldn't do that. The Divine Race was chasing him.

Just as Leon was hesitating, the Divine Race finally appeared in front of Leon. The two sides confronted each other from a certain distance.

"If you join our seven Divine Race's camp, we will ensure your safety and won't hurt you. If you insist on moving forward, you will only have a dead end,"

An elder of the Herra Divine Race said indifferently as he looked down at Leon in the distance.

He knew Leon had no other choice.

However, Leon said sarcastically, "Do you think everyone in the world is as stupid as you? It's useless to say such words. If I join you, I will throw myself into the net and court death!"

The elder shook his head helplessly and said, "In that case, it seems that we have nothing to say."