Chapter 245 I Promise You

As Karaman spoke, the entire space became more and more oppressive. After the last word was finished, the oppressive atmosphere here seemed to have turned into a mountain, pressing down on Peggy!

Peggy gritted her teeth and endured the pressure. Her beautiful face turned red because of the pressure.

She looked at her father with deep repentance and apology, and with some begging. She hoped that her father would forgive her.

Seeing her sister's ending, Pena was also very nervous.

Moreover, she had witnessed the whole process of her father teaching her sister a lesson. She was very clear that her father had said those words to her.

Or he was warning her!

After hesitating for a while, she finally knelt in front of Karaman.

"Father, Peggy just failed to control her energy just now. She was impulsive. Now she has known her mistake. I hope you can release her again!"

However, as if he hadn't heard Pena's words, Karaman continued,