Chapter 281 Sneak Attack

As Leon had expected, Nielsen and the others arrived soon. When they saw the fork in the road, they stopped.

The dog-head man Will kept sniffing the scent of Leon and the others, but after a long time, he found that there was the scent of Leon and the others on three roads.

"Damn it! There is their aura on these three roads. It seems that they have been prepared. They must have set a trap for us in front of them." Will said in a low voice.

Will's words left everyone in a dilemma. They had already known the strength of Leon and the others.

If they chased the current group separately, it was very likely that they would fall into the trap of the three of Leon. At that time, not to mention killing the three of Leon, they might even be killed.

Helplessly, Nielsen could only advise everyone to chase after them one by one and never separate.

Led by Nielsen, this group of people chose the left-most path at the beginning. After half a day's walk, Will found Leon's puppet.