Chapter 2: One Moment Can Change Everything - Singularity F

Chapter 2: One Moment Can Change Everything - Singularity F


" Come on Finn! I'm sure a vacation would help you."

Snapping open his eyes, Finn is in a black endless place. Under him is black water that moves when he moves. In front of him, he can see himself and his Mum in the dining room - just them two and a few pieces of furniture. It reminds him of that black void Eleven goes to in Stranger Things.

" I can't." Finn heard himself say, which made him mad,' Say yes you idiot! Just say yes!'

" Can't or won't?"

" Can't. I have only a weak away till that COD tournament." Past-Finn said, heading for upstairs.

" A weak? That's plenty of time!"

' Tell him...' Falling to his knees, tears dripped from Finn's eyes,' Tell that stupid introverted idiot! He still has plenty of time!' He has enough time... He did.


" I can't Mum. Maybe next time?"

These words rang inside his head, over and over again, till they won't leave.

" Maybe next time?! Are these the fucking last words we spoke to our Mother?! Are we fucking mad?!?!" He cried out into the void. He yelled and yelled till he couldn't anymore.

...Just a few words changed everything for him...


" I hate myself," Finn admitted. He truly hates and loathes his past self. Couldn't he have seen the love and care his Mother has more him? Or how much do his teammates respect him? His crazy fans that will literally fight each other to just say 'Hi' to him? Or his hot Manager who started to develop feelings for him?!

" Nah... I don't deserve that." He doesn't deserve to be loved by someone - when he can't even love himself. He won't do that to someone.

" W....e ..u"

" Hm?" Sitting up, he suddenly heard a low whisper.

" Wa.. ...p."

" What the hell are you saying?!" He yelled out.

" WAKE UP!!!"


With a start, Finn opened his eyes to a burning sky. Standing over him is worried Ritsuka and now servant Mash.

" What the..." Wanting to move - he regretted that immediately," Argh!" His whole body began to burn. His chest felt like someone was stabbing him repeatedly for hours on end.

" Hey, hey." Putting his body against a broken building wall, Ritsuka smiled," Please don't move. Please."

" Wasn't thinking about it." Finn groaned out. Even if he wants to - his body won't let him.


Abruptly, the three known living beings in the hellish City - heard hard footsteps. Following the footsteps was the sound of metal hitting metal.

" Senpai!"

Rushing in front of Ritsuka, Mash pulled her oversized shield up. Walking toward them are a few groups of humanoid entities with glowing blue eyes, wearing a dark red cloak around their whole body.

' Lovely... Leave the crippled guy alone - why don't ya?' Mumbling a few curses, Finn somehow stood up and hid behind the wall he was leaning against. Using the crack in the walls as peak holes, he raised an eyebrow,' They seem... pretty normal.'


' And I stand uncorrected.' He covered his ears at the wails and howls those skeletons made. They even made his ears ring.


However... like something was clicked on inside his head - Finn was assaulted by a horrible migraine, causing him to groan in pain and fall on his back, holding his head.

" Huh... So I am a Magus." Finn said, as the pain suddenly disappeared after a few seconds. In this world - he is the last remaining member of the Shelby Magus Family. A family that has been active since the beginning of Heracles time.

It was said - the first known Shelby helped the Great Hero in his time of need. And due to this, Heracles awarded him with vast riches and women. The First Shelby even helped him when he went 'mad' and tried to kill his family. Again, he was once again awarded anything the Great Hero could give him.

But... the First Shelby was a simple man - he wanted Heracles to train him in combat, and so the Hero did. For this - the Shelby Family became known for their great combat and God-like Archer skills. In a sense, the Shelby Family was the right-hand man of the Great Hero Heracles. The First Shelby - even severed on the Argo. He was the lieutenant of Jason and an Archer there. Throughout his journey, he also became the unofficial apprentice of Medea. Nonetheless... he did die under unknown circumstances, saving Atalanta - The Chaste Huntress. However, despite all this - History mistook him for the younger brother of Heracles and was supposedly In a forbidden relationship with Atalanta. In the books, he died because he was too close to the Huntress and was struck down by Goddess Artemis. He was just another Hero, dying due to a Goddess's 'rage' and 'jealousy'.

Though, official? No one has any idea - except the man himself and Atalanta.

' Bloody hell! What the fuck is my family history?!' Finn's face paled, learning this. Nasuverse just loves fucking with him.

" Uhh, Sir?"

Breaking out of his thoughts was Mash's soft voice.

" Yes? And please don't call me Sir - I'm only 21. Call me Finn."

Nodding, she pointed at the clearing she made, going by the cloaks and skeleton scattering the floor.

" Finn-san we n-need to go, b-before any more s-show up."

" Alright..." Using the wall, he stumbled to Mash," Show me the way."

" Uhmm, Finn-san do you need help?"

" Nah... I can do this."

" But-"

" Don't worry about me, I'll be okay."

" Hai." She nodded, walking next to him, towards a waiting sweating Ritsuka.

" Thank God for your okay!" Ritsuka smiled upon seeing Finn," I thought you died or that thing took you away when we weren't looking."

" Nope. I just hid." Finn explained, with a thin smile.

" Oh, that's good!"

" Uh-huh."

" Senpai, Finn-san, a-are we ready to m-move out?" Mash softly asked.

" Ready as I'll ever be," Finn said, still not feeling his arms.

" Same here! So let's get out of here!" Ritsuka followed up.

" As you wish, Senpai."

Like this - Finn Shelby started his long adventure.


[>>>LazyZen: I have the creator of this, hoped you enjoyed my amateur writing. Please comment and give this writer some feedback. If you have any ideas, please comment on them too, I would love to hear your thoughts<<<]