Neil's challenge

Two days after my date with Aliyah, Neil texted me. He asked me to meet him at the local stadium. For some reason. I went anyways. Arriving there, the place was pretty packed. I was surprised. What could've been the occasion? And why did Neil refuse to tell me what it was about? I went in and apparently Aliyah, T, and Leon were there.

"What the hell is this about?"

"Did you wear running shoes?"

"Not my usual ones, but I can run in these. Why?"

"Go down there."

"Uhh.. Why?"

"Neil challenged you to race 800 meter dash."

"Wait, what? He brought all these people here just to watch us race?"

"Yeah, he did. His dad helped with spreading the word."

"That mother fucker!"

I then walked to the track to see Neil warming up. When I stood next to him the crowd cheered. I guess they remember me winning the race here earlier this year.

"I'm going to kill you."

"Too scared to go up against me?"

"Buddy... you're second for a reason."

The announcer came out and started announcing us.

"We have our previous champion, Cal Moore!" He announced. Then the crowd cheered louder. "And a new energetic challenger, Neil Cross!" And the crowd cheered louder! I was not having it. Friend or not, I'll beat Neil by a large margin. I'll leave him in the dust. The the announcer slapped a number on my back. A number I had no clue what was.

We took our start positions—I was the one at the back. Two laps around a four hundred meter track. The entire town was probably watching. I think my dad came here since he's in cahoots with Neil's dad.

But worrying about anything started to fade. I breathed in as much air as I can from my nose. And exhale from my mouth gradually. Then I started breathing faster to increase my heart rate.

Both palms on the ground, right knee on the ground, thoughts clear like still water, eyes dead ahead.



We both raised our legs. Ready to race.

The announcer then pointed his gun to the air, finger on the trigger, then he pulled the trigger. *Bang*

We both started sprinting.

The first 400 meters.

To my surprise, Neil had been ahead for most of 200 meters. It looked like he had already went all out. He's got a lot in the tank, so do I.

On the 300 meter mark, I started to catch up behind Neil. Now directly beside him. Neither the two of us bare to even glance at each other. To the two of us, being number one in sprinting is a matter of life or death. We had been rivals in sprinting for a year more. I had alway been number one, he was always second. That's probably why he needed to do this.

Right on the 400 meter mark, that's when I started to go all out. Now ahead of him by half a foot.

The second 400 meters.

Apparently, Neil had been practicing outside of school a lot more than I do. I usually train about 3 hours 4 times a week. He trained 3 hours 7 times a week. No wonder he improved greatly.

Passing the 500 meter mark, we were neck N' neck. Being left behind by an inch or two and being ahead by an inch or two.

Passing the 700 meter mark, the two of us truly then went all out. Shoulder to shoulder, neither of us were getting ahead nor getting left behind. We both passed the finish line. With the naked eye it probably was a draw.

We started to slow down gradually. Out of breath, panting, sweat dripping like a god damn waterfall.

We both looked up to the big screen display and watched the replay. First at normal speed, you can't see the difference. We both crossed the finish line at the same time. Then about half speed, still couldn't see it. They slowed the replay down to 1/16 speed, and I set foot over the finish line by half an inch. The same time Neil stepped half a centimeter away from the finish line.

I won. And by a small margin. I was dumbfounded. I cheered, I screamed and the crowd followed.

I walked over to Neil and offered him a friendly sport hug. Of course he accepted it. That was a great match between Neil and I. It was exhilirating for us.

"You improved a lot."

"Yup, I didn't beat you today, but I will at the next official race."

"I'm soooo looking forward to it."


The reason why we were able to use the stadium was because the town were fans of us. I was first reigning champion and Neil was second to me and challenged me. Of course the people at the stadium wants to see who's fastest. I still am but Neil is catching up incredibly fast.


What Neil looks like:

- He has short messy black hair

- About 5 foot 9 inches tall (same as Cal)

- Shorts and sandals everywhere (except sport related activities)

- Bulky but not buff

- Dark brown eyes